I am way behind on Ohio pit bull news so here goes, this will be a long post. There will be no actual chronological order to this mess.
Vandalia Ohio
A three year old child and her grandfather were both rushed to local hospitals after they were attacked by the family dog. The dog was claimed to be a "boxer mix' by the owners, also the grandparents of the injured child. Re-labeling pit bulls after attacks is a classic pit bull advocacy tactic. Please take a look at this dog.

This is simply a pit bull.
The child suffered serious injuries, bites to the shoulder and side. She was transported to Dayton Children's hospital. Her grandfather was bitten as he tried to intervene, he was transported to Miami Valley Hospital. Police, with guns drawn, supervised the removal of the dog from the house by animal control. The pit bull was taken to the Montgomery County Animal Resource Center. Yes, the dog is in Montgomery County Dog Warden Mark Kumpf's custody. Mr. Kumpf is well known on this blog and we will hear about him again in this post.
Incredibly, the very first comment posted on WDTN's coverage of this attack was apparently made by the child's grandmother and the owner of the dog. Here is what she had to say,
If this comment is genuine I suspect that Grandma might as well forget saving that spot on the dining room wall for her "Grandmother of the Year" plaque and just hang a Kinkade print. As far as Grandmother of the Year is concerned, she is out of the running.
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Springfield Ohio
Springfield Police officers shot and killed two pit bulls terrorizing a neighborhood. Police were responding to a complaint, when the officers arrived the pit bulls lunged at them and were shot. No disciplinary action is expected.
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2012 Florida pit bull victim Shelby Churey was back in the news after a three year old Boynton Beach Florida girl was attacked by a pit bull in October of this year. As part of their coverage of the October 2013 attack WPEC updated the public on Shelby's recovery. Per WPEC "Shelby Churey was two years-old when she was bitten on the face by her uncle's pitbull in November 2012.
She was sitting on her grandfather's lap and she was holding the dog's squeaky toy when the dog bit her.
"He jumped up to get the toy and kinda just got her in the face," said Joseph Churey, Shelby's father.
The dog was later put to sleep.
Shelby had at least 30 stitches in her face and has had skin grafts. Her parents say they've spent most of the summer indoors, to keep Shelby's face protected from the sun. And they're applying a special cream to her face each day to minimize the the scars.
Shelby's parents say it's very sad another child has been bitten by a pitbull.
"It's devastating, it brings back memories of when Shelby got bit, and I feel for the parents, I feel for the child too. No child should ever have to go through something like this," said Michelle Churey, Shelby's mother.
Shelby will come to Ohio for further treatment early next year. She will be treated at Cincinnati's Shriner's Hospital for Children. Shriner's hospitals treat children at no cost to the family. The Cincinnati Shriner's Hospital is treating several pit bull victims, this fine organization deserves recognition and financial support.
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Carrollton Ohio
Three goats were killed and five goats were severely injured by attacking dogs. The three dogs included a pit bull, a Saint Bernard, and a mixed breed. The dogs were located and captured, according to police this is the third time this dog owner has been cited for dogs at large. So much for the new Ohio law that "gives dog wardens the tools they need to deal with dangerous dogs." How may chances does this dude get?
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Springfield Ohio again.
Springfield Police shot and killed two pit bulls that were attacking another dog and its owner. Police received a report that a woman was "pinned down" by the pit bull attack. Per WHIO "Springfield Police Chief Stephen Moody said two pit bulls were attacking a Chihuahua outside of a home on that street and when the Chihuahua's owner attempted to intervene she was pushed down.
The Chihuahua owner was not injured, her dog was transported to a veterinarian for treatment.
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Toledo Ohio
Its tough to be a Chihuahua in Ohio. This is a story not reported by the Toledo Blade.
A South Toledo woman is asking for justice after her Chihuahua was mauled and killed on her own porch by a neighbor's pit bulls. Per ABC13 "Heather Tabb says one of the dogs not only bit her severely in the arm putting her in the hospital, but also killed her Chihuahua.
"This is torture for me. Just torture," says Tabb through tears.
Heather Tabb misses her best friend, a seven and a half pound Chihuahua named Remy.
Tabb says on Sunday a pit bull loose on her block of Colburn Street killed Remy on her porch.
"It's hard to walk in the house, it's hard to walk on the porch to see the blood every day because we couldn't get it out and when you come through the door, seeing she's not there jumping up," says Tabb.
Tabb, who has a disability, says she and her Chihuahua were taking a walk when she saw her neighbor's two pit bulls attacking her other dog named Molly, who was on a leash in the front yard.
When Tabb picked up Remy to run into the house, she says one of the pit bulls bit her several times in the arm.
Little Remy jumped down and got attacked.
"It took one neighbor beating it off of us and another one having to shoot in the air to get it off," says Tabb."
Police were called and a report was completed but they were unable to locate the pit bulls. Police were called to the neighborhood later that evening when the pit bulls were spotted at large again. The pit bull owner, Ashley Campos, was cited for failure to license and failure to vaccinate but the dogs were not seized. The dog warden has been unable to contact Ms. Campos. Heather Tabb stated "We were violated, And for her to keep hiding them or doing whatever she's doing and not turning them over … I've called the dog warden every day. This is wrong."
Heather Tabb is correct. A later report indicated that Campos surrendered the dogs for a 10 day quarantine. Heather Tabb has received stitches and will undergo a series of rabies shots.
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Barberton Ohio
A Barberton woman was given a dangerous dog summons after one of her three pit bulls killed a neighbor's dog on the victim's property on 10/2/2013. Per BarbertonOhio.com
"Police said the pit bull owner, 74, told them that two of the dogs got out of the house after she went outside, and her white pit bull attacked the neighbor’s dog and killed it.
When officers arrived, the neighbor was in her backyard holding her deceased pet.
An officer on the scene said the pit bulls were running in the woods and had to be corralled by family members to get them back inside the house."
When officers arrived, the neighbor was in her backyard holding her deceased pet.
An officer on the scene said the pit bulls were running in the woods and had to be corralled by family members to get them back inside the house."
What is a 74 year old woman doing with THREE pit bulls?
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Columbus Ohio
A Columbus Ohio man was rushed to Riverside Methodist Hospital in stable condition with bites to his arms and upper body after being attacked by his own dog. The attacking dog, a pit bull puppy that the man had only three days, escaped and was the target of a police search. Police warned residents in two mile area to watch out for the dog and not approach it.
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Columbus Ohio
David Hyde's pit bull was recently ordered euthanized for an attack on a Columbus woman last summer. Mr. Hyde pled guilty to charges of failure to control a vicious animal. Hyde was sentenced to six months probation and fined $320. Per ABC6 Hyde appeared devastated during the hearing. It must be tough to be forced to understand that the law DOES actually apply to you. Per ABC6 "The court case followed an incident last August, during which one of Hyde's pit bulls attacked a woman who was trying to collect firewood off the side of the road on Livingston Avenue. The victim, Marjorie Huffman, described the attack in court. She started chewing at my feet, Huffman said. She tore the shoe off my foot. She started chewing my foot, grabbing chunks out of the inside of my ankle. She said she had to get nearly 100 stitches and still uses a walker as a result of the attack. It was the second time this summer that one of Hyde's dogs hurt someone. Huffman said she loves dogs, but fears another person could get hurt or killed if the dog was ever let loose. "

Columbus Ohio
David Hyde's pit bull was recently ordered euthanized for an attack on a Columbus woman last summer. Mr. Hyde pled guilty to charges of failure to control a vicious animal. Hyde was sentenced to six months probation and fined $320. Per ABC6 Hyde appeared devastated during the hearing. It must be tough to be forced to understand that the law DOES actually apply to you. Per ABC6 "The court case followed an incident last August, during which one of Hyde's pit bulls attacked a woman who was trying to collect firewood off the side of the road on Livingston Avenue. The victim, Marjorie Huffman, described the attack in court. She started chewing at my feet, Huffman said. She tore the shoe off my foot. She started chewing my foot, grabbing chunks out of the inside of my ankle. She said she had to get nearly 100 stitches and still uses a walker as a result of the attack. It was the second time this summer that one of Hyde's dogs hurt someone. Huffman said she loves dogs, but fears another person could get hurt or killed if the dog was ever let loose. "

David Hyde after the August 2013 mauling of Marjorie Huffman.
The update did not include any information that might lead one to think that Hyde paid the victim's medical expenses.
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Toledo Ohio
A gala celebration was hosted by Toledo's PET Bull Project and Humane Ohio. The Pit bull Awareness Day party featured free dog training, free collars and leashes, free ID tags, and free rabies shots. There was also a Bully King and Bully Queen contest.
How were the winning dogs chosen since nobody can identify a pit bull? If somebody showed up with a Beagle, could they get the free stuff?
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Middletown Ohio
From the "a pit bull's worst nightmare might just be his owner" files comes this story. The owner of an abandoned, emaciated pit bull was located and charged with cruelty to animals and failure to license. Bert Brashear moved, abandoned his home and left the pit bull named Dee behind.
Dee at the time she was taken to Butler County Animal Friends Humane Society.
Brashear signed Dee over to the Humane Society where she is being rehabilitated.
Brashear pled guilty and was due to be sentenced November 18, 2013
For video on this case and an update on Dee's recovery click here.
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Liberty Township Ohio

Letter carrier Kendra Morgan was attacked by a pit bull. Per WFMJ.com " Kendra Morgan, a mother with two young sons, tells 21 News she feared she was going to be ripped apart and die after a dog attacked her.
Chunks of flesh were ripped from her arm and shoulder, her hands and breast were bitten. Morgan says she was told the dog was an American Pitt Bull weighing about 200 pounds.
Morgan says as she was stepping off the porch she heard a bam, and the next thing she knew she was on the ground with the dog on top of her.
The mail carrier says she kept hoping the dog would not go for the back of her neck or head. As she was trying to knock him off, he went for her right shoulder."
Ms. Morgan may require surgery, she is now terrified of dogs, she can't drive her sons to their activities or cook for her family.

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Dayton Ohio
Yes, we will conclude this post with two more stories out of Dayton Ohio, Montgomery County Dog Warden Mark Kumpf's territory.
First, an 80 year old Dayton woman stated that she shot her neighbor's pit bull out of self defense. Selma Chipman said she shot the two year old pit bull to protect herself and her property. Chipman stated that the pit bull bit her in the past and the owner of the pit bull does not deny this but she does minimize it. Chipman said the dog is at large frequently.
Per the Dayton Daily News "On Friday, after she said the dog ran through her yard, "I got a gun and I shot him. I didn't kill him," Chipman said. "And it's a shame....Everything would have been over if I had of killed him. But I'm no shot with no gun. Shoot. Lord have mercy no."
However, Heather Lakes, the dog's owner, differs about what led to the shooting, which wounded the dog in the side.
Lakes said on several occasions Chipman has threatened to shoot her dog, according to police records.
"I really don't understand her big hatred to my dogs," Lakes said. "Her excuse is that she's so terrified of my dogs and my dog's very vicious." Lakes, who moved to her home in May, said she plans to move in January.
I strongly suspect that Ms. Lakes and her pit bull will not be missed when she moves out of the neighborhood. Suggesion to Ms. Lakes new neighbors, start a paper trail immediately, every time the dog is at large, every episode of menacing, every bite. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Saving the best for last, this story does not have any links to pit bulls but Montgomery County Dog Warden Mark Kumpf stars in an outrageous tale.
Dayton Ohio

Thirteen living Great Danes, Labradors, rabbits, and per the video a live chicken were removed from a Dayton home, multiple dead dogs were also found and removed by Dayton Police and Animal Resource Center staff.
Neighbors and United States Postal Service workers have been complaining about this situation for a YEAR. Per the neighbors the dogs had broken out all the windows, they CLIMBED OUT ON THE ROOF AND BARKED AT PASSERSBY, the smell of death has been hanging over this neighborhood in a cloud and this has been going on for a YEAR!
Kumpf managed to look embarrassed on camera while being interviewed on this situation. "There is quite a number of live dogs here this afternoon," said Kumpf. "That is what we are here for. We may have been too late for some of these but we won't be too late for the others. Get them the help and they attention that they need."

Mark Kumpf with surviving puppies.
Per WDTN Neighbors said they are now thankful something has been done.
They just hoped it was sooner.
"It didn't have to come to that," said Smith. "Because we've been calling and the postal service has been calling, all of the neighbors. You can smell it. The whole street just smells."
Charges are still pending as investigators compile their report to present to the prosecutor.
City inspectors condemned the property.
What has Kumpf been doing for the last year? Receiving complaints from neighbors and the USPS regarding dogs parading across the roof of an apparently abandoned home and barking at members of the community for a year? The response to the multiple and very valid complaints from this community is simply too little and too late. Click here for more information. Click here for still more information