There have been 101 pit bull mauling deaths in the United States since President Obama moved into the Oval Office. Incredibly Obama has made a
statement of support for pit bulls. Here is the text of the president's statement, the statement sounds strangely like it was written by fellow Illinois lawyer and shameless pit bull advocate Ledy Vankavage. It should be noted that the Obama family has two dogs, neither of them is a pit bull.
"We don't support breed-specific legislation -- research shows that bans on certain types of dogs are largely ineffective and often a waste of public resources.
In 2000, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked at twenty years of data about dog bites and human fatalities in the United States. They found that fatal attacks represent a very small proportion of dog bite injuries to people and that it's virtually impossible to calculate bite rates for specific breeds.
The CDC also noted that the types of people who look to exploit dogs aren't deterred by breed regulations -- when their communities establish a ban, these people just seek out new, unregulated breeds. And the simple fact is that dogs of any breed can become dangerous when they're intentionally or unintentionally raised to be aggressive.
For all those reasons, the CDC officially recommends against breed-specific legislation -- which they call inappropriate. You can read more from them here.
As an alternative to breed-specific policies, the CDC recommends a community-based approach to prevent dog bites. And ultimately, we think that's a much more promising way to build stronger communities of pets and pet owners."
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Sadly, a Death and Excuses post is overdue. There have been five pit bull mauling deaths since the last post, and two mauling deaths that "you never hear about because the dog was not a pit bull." Actually, we heard plenty about them.
Liberty County,
Linda Oliver, age 63, was killed by a stray dog that she had been feeding for about two weeks. It was reported that the stray attacked one of Mrs. Oliver's own dogs and when Oliver attempted to rescue her own dog she was attacked. Oliver was able to call her husband who was at work to tell him that she had been bitten. The husband then called the sheriffs's office.
Deputies sent to the scene were able to shoot the dog but only wounded it. The dog was located by law enforcement two days later.
The dog, thought to be a Rottweiler/Mastiff mix was shot.
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Katy Texas
An elderly man was found in the back yard of his home, dead of apparent pit bull attack. The body of 96 year old Juan Campos was found by his grandson.
Per KHOU "
A grandson found the body of Juan Campos, 96, in his backyard in the 22300 block of Maplewood Drive.
"I called his name many, many times hoping that he would respond, that he would turn around and ask for help, but he didn’t," said Miguel Velasquez.
The grandson said there were three "pit bull type" dogs near his grandfather’s body. The lower part of one of the man’s legs was missing and there were bite marks on his body.
"And it just shocked me, it shocked me badly," the grandson said.
A pet dog that belongs to the Campos family had also been killed."
Juan Campos
Miguel Velasquez, left, found the body of his grandfather, Juan Campos, in his backyard on Friday. The 96-year-old and his beloved Chihuahua, Choe, both appear to have been attacked by a one or more dogs.
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Kotzebue, AK
Five year old Jordan Lee Reed was killed by a stray dog. Jordan was playing in front of his family's home when last seen.
Police were notified that he was missing about 10:45 p.m. His body was found in an open field on the outskirts of town in the early morning hours of 9/15/2013. Stray dogs are a known problem in Kotzebue.
The dog, said to be a Husky mix, was located and euthanized.

Jordan Lee Reed
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Gilbert, AZ
A two and a half year old boy was killed by his babysitter's pit bulls. The boy,
identified only as "Daniel" reportedly "got in the way" of three of the the babysitter's four pit bulls as they were fighting. Lara Czerniski,
the babysitter was also attacked as she attempted break up the fight. Daniel was a special needs child, recently adopted into a family with four other adopted special needs children. Czerniski had been the family babysitter for about ten years.
Czerniski's pit bulls were not licensed and were euthanized by animal control.
Czerniski was allowed to keep one pit bull that was not involved in the fight and the death of the child.
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Colton, CA
Two year old
Samuel Zamudio was killed by a pack of family pit bulls as his uncle Marco Zamudio slept. Marco was Samuel's babysitter at the time of his death.

Samuel Zamudio
Samuel apparently climbed out a window into the back yard where the pit bulls were kept. Both the uncle of Samuel and his grandmother, owner of the house and the pit bulls were arrested.
Murder charges were considered against the two but it was determined that there was insufficient evidence to charge the grandmother. Marco Zamudio caught a huge break when charges were filed.
He was charged with child endangerment, a felony. Marco Zamudio was also charged with a
parole violation stemming from a 2009 Orange County robbery. It was reported that
ten dogs were kept on the Zamudio property. A woman who rents a room at the Zamudio property stated
"It was ugly. His face was all eaten up. He was eaten from the face. He had no clothes,"

Marco Zamudio, uncle of Samuel
Eustulia Zamudio, grandmother
The Colton Board orders this family to be
dog free for three years.
Riverside County passed
mandatory neuter and spay regulations for pit bulls on October 8, 2013.
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Baker, OR
Please note the dates on these three deaths, yes, three children killed by their babysitter's pit bulls in just five days.
Five year old
Jordan Michael Ryan was killed by pit bulls that belonged to his babysitter. Jordan, a kindergartner, reportedly loved fishing, swimming and saying his ABCs.
A vigil was held 9/29/2013.
All schools in the district had staff from the
local crisis response team, counselors from the
school district and local agencies, available to students. Area residents wrote thoughtful
letters to the editor of the Baker City Herald. Regulation of pit bulls was favored. The Baker City Herald wrote their own
editorial supporting regulation of pit bulls.
The dog that killed Jordan
came from a rescue program and lived at the babysitter's home. Mary Lane, owner of the pit bull named Bentley stated that the dog was under one year old. The photo below was dated 9/11/2013 and shows an unleashed Bentley playing with Lane's children. The dog was put down.
oFundMe page has been set up to help Jordan's family with funeral expenses. The Grand Jury
declined to indict Mary Lane citing insufficient evidence.
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Baltimore, MD
Wheelchair bound Terry Douglass, 56, was killed by Boosie, her own 4 year old pit bull. Incredibly, this was not Boosie's first attack on Mrs. Douglass, it was the third. Per the
Baltimore Sun "
City animal control officers had seized the pit bull earlier this year that was involved in a fatal attack on its owner early Friday, but returned the dog because they "did not feel the dog was a threat to the public," according to a statement from officials Sunday.
After the previous attack, the dog owner who died Friday, 56-year-old Terry Douglass, "was adamant in getting the dog back, so after vaccinating it for
rabies, we returned the dog after the quarantine period was up," said the statement from the Baltimore City Health Department, which oversees animal control.
Animal control officials said the incident in April occurred after food was dropped on the floor. A nephew of Douglass' went to pick it up and was bit, and Douglass was bit when she tried to intervene.
Douglass's daughter, Tamathia Davis stated that
the dog first attacked her mother about two years ago, biting her face so savagely that "whenever my mom would open her mouth, her cheek would open with it." Davis stated that family members had pleaded with animal control to not to return the dog to her mother.
Terry Douglass
Boosie was tranquilized by police and died shortly thereafter.

Photo posted by, thought to be Boosie.
Keep in mind that Boosie, a two time attacker, was owned by a wheelchair bound woman with cerebral palsy who could not control the dog. Boosie was removed from the home by animal control but returned to the owner despite strong family objections. Douglass lived in Maryland, where pit bulls have been ruled inherently dangerous. Why did animal control return this dog to Mrs. Douglass? Who will be held responsible for the poor judgement shown by animal control resulting in a third attack and a human death?
The family is unsure how they will pay for Douglass's funeral. Douglass was unable to keep up the payments on her life insurance.
For video on this attack please click here. The video includes the traditional statement from Animal Control that many factors play into dog attacks and this attack should not be blamed on breed. *eye roll* Neighbors and even the victim's own daughter continue to express support for the breed. Per the Baltimore Sun "Still Davis said she hoped that people would not judge all pit bulls as a result of this attack. "I don't hate all pit bulls because not all pit bulls are bad," said Davis, who added she owns and loves her own pit bull that she also raised from a puppy. She said the dog has never been anything but gentle, even with her young son. She said she does look at him a bit differently now, and probably will take new precautions or consider finding him a new home."
Will members of the Maryland Legislature keep Terry Douglass in mind as they consider modification of the Maryland Court ruling that pit bulls are inherently dangerous?
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Below are comments made by pit bull advocates on the deaths of these individuals. What would make someone think that any of these comments might be appropriate to post on an article written on the death of a child,or an elderly person, or on the death of a pit bull owner who was killed by her own pit bull?
Chris Cummings · Follow
You are an idiot and should not be allowed to breathe the same air as I do. Do us all a favor and destroy yourself
Why adopt 5 special needs kids if you are just going to have someone else care for them for your work day? (Scoffs).
Judy has endless concern for the dogs but has forgotten that a child has died.
Judy Shott · Follow · Lansing Community College
Aimee Rowley I agree with you in every way...I was just told to calm down by XXXXXXXXXX and that I carry aggression and hate and will have a heart attack..The truth is I have sorrow and pain for these dogs who will be killed due to the peoples lack of responsibility. I rescue dogs and have 5 of them as we speak, I also volunteer at the shelter and foster and find homes for what we call THROW AWAY DOGS....I have seen so much abuse and torture to animals that I cry for them....I am not a nut job, just a person trying to save these poor animals...I say BAN THE HUMANS WHO DO THIS TO ANY ANIMAL... We fight the city for better laws and stricter punishment against people that abuse animals...I will keep fighting and never give up. These dogs all need a voice.....Don't care what people call me, just care about abuse......
Judy goes on...
Judy Shott · Follow · Lansing Community College
Californians For Regulating Pit Bulls Maybe they need to regulate people like you...If you can decide that this breed of dog is evil, well then as a human to human we should be able to regulate people like you that cause any animal to be labeled evil and what, you get to play GOD and cast down your ridiculous idea that we need to follow your plan of what is good or bad. Next you will gather a bunch of fools to decide what we should buy or sell or think..NO THANKS your full of crap and need to keep your stupidity to yourself...The only thing misunderstood here is your mentality...Wow and of course your so right...NOT !!!! you should give Jenifer Johnson a call I bet she will follow your way of thinking....Thank Goodness for the rest of us we got to read your post full of garbage..Sounds like you have appointed yourself MR. KNOW IT ALL....what a joke....
And Judy goes on, Lansing Community College must be so proud.
Judy Shott · Follow · Lansing Community College
Jennifer Johnson you need to shut the f#$@ ugly B....You look like the moron that you are....You hide behind your stupid words...Your the one full of hate, cause you have to live with yourself and look in the mirror every day...I am sure that your all alone and feeling down, and posting here at least somebody like me will send you a post....Good luck you ugly person and go grow a pair of balls......
Ellyse gives us the falling coconuts stat and extra points for including drownings in 5 gallon buckets.
Follow · J.P. Stevens High School
@ Albert Schepis, Vanessa Jachzel and Jennifer Johnson-
Did you know....
1.) About 40 people (children) per year die by drowning in 5-gallon water pails. A person, during their lifetime, is 16 times more likely to drown in a 5-gallon water pail than to be killed by a Pit Bull.
2.) Approximately 50 children in the US are killed every year by their cribs - 25 times the number of children and adults killed by Pit Bulls.
3.) Approximately 150 people are killed every year by falling coconuts. Therefore, you are more than 60 TIMES MORE LIKELY to be killed by a PALM TREE than a Pit Bull.
4.) Each year, 350 people drown in their bathtubs. You are 151 times more likely to be killed by your bathtub than you are by a Pit Bull.
5) Every year, more than 2,000 children in the U.S. are killed by their parents or guardians either through abuse or neglect. A child is more than 800 times more likely to be killed by their caretaker than by a Pit Bull.
6) It can be estimated that for every Pit Bull who kills, there are 10.5 MILLION that DON'T!
Do research before you open your mouths.. How about a day in a high kill shelter then maybe your will learn compassion and find that dogs are as stupid, vicious or loving and loyal as the people that own them.
Karen McNeeley Laufenberg
XXXXXXXX You're so ignorant, my God I hope you don't have children to pass your "wisdom" onto..
Waiting to be punished because we exist
XXXXX How are you? So nice to see your alter ego pop in here. So how are things since you have been off of your meds? Pretty crazy here. You see, all of your AKA's keep on popping up and since there is only one of me and a dozen or so of you...well, I think you get the general idea. Ummm, how is pit bull advocacy to blame for an unfit parent/grandparent, unsanitary house, and irresponsible dog owners? I will wait right here so you can ask all of your other personalities.
Short history lesson for sanarchy, Roosevelt's pit bull was ordered out of the White House for attacks on a workman, and on the French Ambassador.
total misinformation, distortionn and flat out false statements. "these are dangerous animals who can't be trusted"? ask president teddy roosevelt that question about his pit bull. ask ceasar milan, the dog whisperer that question.
you have no actual knowledge, nor facts. you do not know pit bulls and i guarantee have never spent any actual time interacting with one that hasn't been abused because if you did, you would not spout such ignorance.
sanarchy is not done yet...
sanarchy at 12:38 PM September 24, 2013
you are ignorant, ill-informed and clearly know nothing about pit bulls, other than how the media has distorted the truth behind almost every single pit bull "mauling." in nearly every instance, the dogs have been abused, fought and mistreated so badly that the dogs, as any dogs would, are damaged and often dangerous.
the real criminals are the scumbag humans who do this to these otherwiise proud, smart, loving and wonderful animals. i know, i have owned four of them in my 56 years. raised two kids, lived in three different communities and NEVER had a moment of human aggression.
get educated on the topic before you open your mouth.
This is a terrible accident. However it has nothing to do with pit bull type dogs. I have owned pit bulls for over 18 years now and vol at shelter and work with pit bull type dogs. Mostly just walking them. They are a great dog as long as they are socialized. Most pit bull type dogs live out their lives without incident.. and the news never reports about this. The news will only print bad stuff the majority of the time and especially if they can get the word pit bull printed.
Whoa, excuse me? It's not the dogs fault! And how dare these IRRESPONSIBLE family members even have a child near these dogs, Knowing they have not cared for them nor had they socialized them! ITS NOT THE DOGS FAULT! And besides this isnt a PIT YOU IDIOTS! Geezus!!!!!! What the heck is wrong with this town of California that I live in? I was Mauled by 3 Trained to attack German Shepards! AND THAT DIDNT MAKE THE NEWS! WTH? I hate the news here and the Newspaper! They only report Pit bull attacks! And half the time it isnt even a PIT! What about me? HUH? They couldnt sew me back together! I was all ripped up from these German Shepards that ate their way thru the screen door and ATTACKED ME! I support all Pit Bull rescues, and I dont like German Shepards, but I dont go around bad mouthing them! Hell my friends cat attacked me and left huge holes in my leg and i was bleeding for days! DID I CALL THE NEWS and report a CAT ATTACK? If I did then a million people would start doing this, and then cats would have a bad name! The news people LOVE TO PICK ON PIT BULLS AND I AM SO SICK OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Start reporting ALL DOG ATTACKS! end
Keep in mind, three dead children and all three mauled to death by pit bulls owned by their babysitters and consider this comment from Danny
Danny Gately MrBrain
Ok. Really? Haven't you heard that dogs are not a reflection of their breed but a reflection of the person/people that raise them? ENOUGH with this BAN PITBULLS "campaign." There was a time in life when pitbulls were the dog to have. I personally know a family with a pitbull that has NEVER and will NEVER show aggression towards people. That family babysits my 22-month old son and 4-month old daughter and I have no reservations whatsoever. Before you jump on the bandwagon maybe you should get your facts straight.
Ok ..Well it seems to me everyone is picking on PITBULLS! Let me just say one thing....ANY animal can attack and hurt or kill you.From the smallest kitty cat to the largest elephant all animal's are dangerous it's in thier nature to be so.!
Mike Lowery · Works at H.h. gregg
Karrie Breeden · Top Commenter · Works at Stay at home mommy
XXXXXXX absolutely there is crime everywhere not arguing that my argument is with you and how ignorant you are being towards these dogs who are kind hearted, friendly ,compassionate animals who can only take so much abuse before they let you know the only way they know how that enough is enough
Karrie Breeden · Top Commenter · Works at Stay at home mommy
poodles are pretty viscous dogs you wanna ban them too
Karrie Breeden · Top Commenter · Works at Stay at home mommy
What happened to love all GODS creatures snakes kill people people kill people if we banned everything that killed there wouldn't be much left in this world
Chevy Freese · University of Phoenix
I have to agree with what some others have said. Pit Bulls attack other dog they are usually friendly to people. It is very sad this dog will lose its life. To bad it wasn't an orca, then we would say trainer error LOLOLOL I had a pit bull that would cuddle up with my son (1 yr old) everyday at nap time and every night. He was sweet as pie to people. Other dogs was another story. He would jump the fence and go at them. He never attacked or hurt anyone or any other animal he would just chase them.. I believe it is all in how they are raised.
Billy E Rogers · Top Commenter · John Marshall High School
XXXXXXX you're a pussy. Come on down and lets see what you got. Kill me if you can, boy. John Wayne Gacy wanna be. People This is a prime example of the kind of person that hates...Mass murderer in the making.
For those who might not have had enough of this, click
here for Death and Excuses
here for Death and Excuses part 2
here for Death and Excuses part 3
here for information on the mauling death of an Ohio woman who was killed by her own German Shepherd (yes, an attack that you will never hear about because the dog was not a pit bull)