There has been another dog mauling death in Ohio. After four dog mauling deaths in 2017, more than any other state, a Cincinnati area mother, forty-two-year-old Della Riley was killed by her own pit bull in her own home yesterday. Police were called to the scene after neighbors noted the victim's young son who ran from the house asking for help.
The coroner's report stated that the woman was killed by her pit bull. She also owned a Rottweiler but that dog was not implicated in the mauling death. Reports by neighbors that the woman suffered a seizure prior to her death are unconfirmed. Per "The mother had a seizure. I don't know if the dog got scared or whatever but he attacked her and ripped her throat out," said Jon Seymoure, who lives next door."
The woman also suffered a gunshot wound, postmortem. She was hit by a ricochet shot from police who were forced to shoot the dog. So far there have been no reports of previous incidents involving the pit bull but follow up stories may clarify that point.
For anyone keeping count, there have been sixteen dog mauling deaths since Ohio Lawmakers passed the bill sponsored by Representative Barbara Sears, HB 14 in 2012, just six years ago. HB 14 was written in Utah by lawyers employed by Best Friends Animal Society. This bill was sold to state lawmakers as "finally giving dog wardens the tools to deal with dangerous dogs." In the decade prior to passage of the Best Friends bill, Ohio had five dog bite related fatalities. The numbers speak for themselves.
Current Ohio law, written by a well funded out-of-state special interest organization employing lots of lobbyists and lawyers, has proven to be a complete disaster. In response to the failure of current Ohio law, SB 195 and HB 352 were written to hold owners of violent dogs accountable and better protect peaceful Ohio residents but the bills languish in committee.
What is wrong with the Ohio Legislature? How many people have to die? The death of Della Riley was not the first bite from her pit bull. Below is a screenshot from her Facebook page.

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