This long overdue post is the usual mix of outrageous attacks but please hang in there to the end.
Montgomery County
A 74 year old woman was injured when two pit bulls attacked her, and her Beagle. The pit bulls jumped through the window of a home to attack. Dayton police were unable to locate the pit bull owner. They might try checking ownership of the home.
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Moreland Hills Ohio
Cuyahoga County
A Moreland Hills resident called local police to notify them that he had just run a dog that he felt might be a pit bull off his property after it barked at and lunged at his cat. He was not pleased. Per a notice titled "Death threat issued against loose dog" in the Chagrin Valley Community Blog "He wanted police to warn the owner that he would shoot the dog to protect his grandchildren and pets if any future threat to their safety arose.
This is a genteel and wealthy community. Residents are not given much to threats of violence.
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Cincinnati Ohio
Hamilton County
Hamilton County
A Cincinnati man, working on his car was actively menaced by two free-roaming pit bulls. He was forced to jump into the engine compartment of the car to avoid being bitten, injuring himself in the process. He called Cincinnati police who were unable to locate the dogs. The concerned citizen was told that the ASPCA was "unavailable today" to look for the dogs. Per Fox 19 News Now "I'm up in the engine component of my car and the both of them are up as high as they can get barking and I grab a tool and I'm swinging, saying, 'get down, get down.' It was terrifying."
After the two calls to police, the SPCA did find two pit bulls a few blocks away on Akochia Ave. Police said because Don was in a safe location his call was not as high of a priority."
It must be noted that Cincinnati is infested with pit bulls. Looking at the Cincinnati SPCA website on 112/2/2017 we find 93 available dogs, 81 of them are pit bulls, 11 are other breeds, one dog has no photo. A few of the non-pit bulls are senior dogs and look to be good choices for a family looking for a pet.
It must be noted that Cincinnati is infested with pit bulls. Looking at the Cincinnati SPCA website on 112/2/2017 we find 93 available dogs, 81 of them are pit bulls, 11 are other breeds, one dog has no photo. A few of the non-pit bulls are senior dogs and look to be good choices for a family looking for a pet.
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Pataskala Ohio
Licking County
Licking County
The Newark Advocate reports that a four-year-old boy was bitten on the cheek by a pit bull as the child and his mother were visiting a friend. Emergency treatment was declined and a report was forwarded from police to the dog warden.

Newark Ohio surrendered to pit bull advocacy a year or so ago, the Newark Advocate supported this effort.
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Montgomery County
A Dayton pit bull owner, apparently aware that Montgomery County Dog Warden Mark Kumpf sets no standards whatsoever, allowed his dog off leash. This off-leash pit bull menaced a police officer who was simply doing his job. The officer shot pittie, enraging pittie's owner. The dog owner punched out the police cruiser and was arrested.
Michael Melvin, age 50.
Don't want pittie shot? Keep pittie under control and don't allow him to menace police. Police have guns.
Don't want pittie shot? Keep pittie under control and don't allow him to menace police. Police have guns.
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New Philadelphia Ohio
Tuscarawas County
Along with positive placement stats, County Dog Warden Terry Warner is aware that some dogs are aggressive and he will not place them in homes. Excellent! Per the Times Reporter "Warner said he does not want to euthanize any good dogs, nor does he want to place an aggressive dog in an adoptive home."
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Montgomery County
Another failure for Montgomery County Dog Warden Mark Kumpf, a pit bull with a history of being at large was at it again and got shot with a BB gun prior to the arrival of Dayton police. The pit bull owner told police the dog "got away" from his daughter and began charging at neighborhood residents, some on their own porches. The pit bull owner was charged with failure to control. Will Kumpf actually do his job and cite this pit bull per state law?
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Marion Ohio
Marion County
A sheriff's deputy was attacked by two pit bulls during a drug raid and was injured when he shot himself in the foot during the attack. Pit bulls present at a drug raid? Who would think?
Per the Marion Star " the sheriff's office had received multiple calls about drug activity at the house and that law enforcement had set up undercover drug buys there before obtaining a search warrant.
Shortly after forcing his way into the house alongside other officers, Deputy Mike Wheeler was attacked by two pit bulls, Marion County Sheriff Tim Bailey said. Wheeler fired two shots, one of which went through his foot." " "the dogs "backed (Wheeler) into a corner," were biting at him and jumping at his chest.
One pit bull died at the scene.
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Hubbard Ohio
I want to finish this post by giving respect and credit where respect and credit are due.
Four years ago Litsa and Angelo Kargakos adopted a clearly abused pit bull, Petey. Per WKBN News "Petey was living a nightmare, chained up without food or water in a backyard on the south side of Youngstown.
“He was completely emaciated,” Litsa said. “He was highly-heart-worm positive and his muzzle was duct taped as well.”
To make matters worse, Petey feared humans and became aggressive when they got close. That made adopting him difficult.
“He would try to bite me,” Angelo said. “He would growl and jump towards me.
With lots of love and patience, Petey warmed up to Angelo and Litsa.
Now, on the outside, Petey seems completely normal. But the emotional scars of his abuse will never go away.
“It is a happy ending for Petey because he is in a loving home and he is happy,” Angelo said. “But he could never be a normal dog. We could never walk him in a park.”
“They suffer for this the rest of their lives,” Litsa said. “It’s not like they get rescued and everything’s perfect at that point. He’ll suffer psychologically until the day he dies.”
Petey, now responsibly and lovingly owned, lives with six other dogs and two cats. Angelo states Petey is the "greatest dog in the world" and a daddy's boy, his constant shadow. There is video with this story and it is wonderful. I recommend watching it. This couple was well aware of what they were getting when they took Petey but they took him anyway and made a success of it but continue to be responsible with him. You can't do better than that.
The names Litsa and Angelo Kargakos might be familiar to readers of this blog. This couple placed a troubled pit bull named Remi with an Ohio breed advocate self-promoted as an expert in rehabilitating dangerous dogs. The Kargakos' made 100% responsible decisions when placing Remi, backed up with a large cash donation and mention in their wills. Sadly, it did not end well for Remi, link to the story below.
I have nothing but respect for Litsa and Angelo Kargakos. Thank you for restoring my faith.
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