More pit bull happenings from Ohio. In no particular order.
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Dayton Ohio
Montgomery County
Kimiko Hardy, pit bull owner, has been sentenced to three years in prison for the fatal mauling of seven month old.Jonathan Quarles Jr. Per ABC22 " "I'm sorry. It was a tragic day," Hardy said in court.
Her 7-month-old step-grandson, Jonathan Quarles Jr., was visiting when Hardy's pit bull mix attacked and killed the baby.
"I'm sorry about this, I miss Jonathan, too," said Hardy.
"Sorry will not bring my son back and from July 20th, 2014, this shouldn't be the first time, well the second time that I've heard that I'm sorry," said the baby's mother Kashyra Hardy.
Prosecutors said Hardy's dog had attacked a letter carrier and small dog before.
"Based on her failure to act and her sticking her head in the sand, unfortunately, this young child was defensless and was mauled by her dog," said Montgomery County Assistant Prosecutor Karen Groseth.
Hardy's attorneys said she's remorseful and doesn't deserve prison.
Pit bull owners never think they deserve to go to prison but this one will find out how she looks in orange. After her dog's first violent incident Hardy was required to attend classes on responsible dog ownership at the Montgomery County Animal Resource Center, run by Montgomery County dog warden Mark Kumpf. It appears that the curriculum is lacking something. Hardy's dog went on to maul a peaceful dog being walked by the owner prior to strike three, the killing of Jonathan Quarles Jr. Epic and fatal fail.
Jonathan Quarles Jr.
Video is available at the above link.
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Newark Ohio
Licking County
A new program at the Licking county shelter is apparently controversial. Bids will now be taken for desirable dogs. Per ABC 6 "The shelter director said they used to use a "first choice" policy which was first-come, first-served policy. People could put a $10 deposit on a dog for the three-day mandatory holding period, but fights used to break out when popular dogs were up for adoption. Some people never came back for the dog after the holding period was over."
Any money over the standard adoption fee goes toward medical expenses for the dogs.
My guess is that pleasant little dogs will get a great deal of attention. If you want a pit bull just pick one out, they have been there for a long time and there is no crush of people clamoring for them.
Click on the link for video. A dog groomer appears and he makes a lot of sense.
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Bucyrus Ohio
Crawford County
This story has been overlooked for far too long. A Crawford County man was charged with animal cruelty for beating his pit bull with a shovel. Makes sense. Per the Telegraph-Forum "Earlier this week, Bryan Hedges, 37, pleaded not guilty to one count of animal cruelty, a second-degree misdemeanor, after being accused of striking the dog last Friday and knocking out several of its teeth.
Although Friday's court date, a probable-cause hearing called for by the Crawford County dog warden's office, was a civil proceeding, not a criminal one, Hedges admitted to doing what was alleged after he was arrested by the county Crawford County Sheriff's Office and briefly detained in the county jail before posting a $750 bond. Upon his arrest last week, he said he was attempting to discipline the animal when the incident occurred. He elaborated on that Friday.
"I was trying to put his chain on him," Hedges said. "I tripped and the dog was on me, I have bite marks all up my arm. I hadn't even struck him, and he attacked me. I'm glad it wasn't one of my children.
"I then went out and got the shovel and struck him a couple times."
Hedges added the pit bull, which weighs about 65 pounds, had shown aggressive tendencies in the past and that he had considered getting him neutered.
I would not put that surgery off Mr. Hedges. The Humane Society took custody of Hedges pit bull and also a Cane Corso also owned by Hedges. He wants the Cane Corso back, stating that he is "emotionally invested" in that dog but no apparent interest in the pit bull. It is reported that "someone" is interested in rescuing the pit bull. What could go wrong?
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Mansfield Ohio
Richland County
The Tender Loving Dog Care program run by the Ashland County Humane Society sends dogs to the Mansfield Correctional Institution for training by inmates. One of these inmates, Archie Wilder, convicted of murder and serving 33 years to life, was bitten by one of the Tender Loving Dog Care dogs. The Columbus Dispatch tells us "Wilder, 41, alleged he was bitten at the Mansfield Correctional Institution on Nov. 27, 2014. He claimed he was breaking up a fight between two dogs when a third animal approached him from behind and bit his left calf.
Wilder turned jailhouse lawyer and sued the state, alleging the dog was known to be dangerous since it had bitten another inmate on Oct. 20, 2014, but that it was not removed from the prison for weeks.
He was a handler in the Tender Loving Dog Care, a program at several state prisons in which inmates care for dogs that then are put up for adoption.
Wilder said his wound could not be stitched and required eight to ten weeks of daily care. He claimed his calf remains numb due to nerve damage. Click here to read the actual lawsuit.
The breed is not listed but it should be noted that this is the second such attack requiring a payout of taxpayer funds in less than a year. Vincent Doan received a $7500 settlement after part of his his nose was bitten off by a dog at the Correctional Reception Center near Orient Ohio. Doan was also convicted of murder, his victim's body has never been found. Wilder's check will be sent to him at the Mansfield prison for use at the inmate commissary. Who is running these programs? Why is the Ohio taxpayer footing the bills? The organization responsible for the dog's presence in the prison should be paying.
Archie Wilder
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Fairview Park
Cuyahoga County
A 60 year old woman was injured while trying, unsuccessfully, to protect her 8 1/2 pound Toy Poodle/Cocker Spaniel mix from two escaped pit bulls weighing 75 pounds and 44 pounds respectively. The little dog's owner went to Fairview Hospital for treatment of bruises and lacerations.
The pit bulls remain with their owner WHILE THE PROSECUTOR DECIDES WHETHER TO FILE CHARGES. He has to think about this?
Per "The woman told police that she was walking her dog in the 22000 block of Macbeth Avenue just before 6 p.m. June 13. The two dogs burst through a gate on the opposite side of the street, according to a Fairview Park police report released Tuesday.
The woman grabbed her dog to protect it, but the two dogs jumped and ripped into her dog's flesh.
The dogs knocked the woman to the ground, and grabbed the smaller dog and killed it. The dogs' owners were out of town and a friend was caring for them at the time of the attack, Fairview Park Police Chief Upperman said.
The gate to the fence where the dogs were held was not properly secured when they escaped, Upperman said.
The owners rescued the dogs from a shelter, and they are unsure whether they are purebred pit bulls. Both dogs were vaccinated, according to police records.
Fairview Park Prosecutor John Castele has recused himself from the case because he is acquainted with the victim. An outside prosecute will handle the matter.This warning cannot be repeated enough, NEVER accept responsibility for someone else's pit bulls. No good can come of this.
These dogs remain at home. Presumably the Toy Poodle/Cocker Spaniel mix is buried in the owner's yard. The peaceful public deserves better than this.
Fairview Park considers pit bull inherently vicious. Per the City's Municipal Code " (4) A. "Vicious dog" means a dog that, without provocation and subject to subsection (a)(4)B. hereof, meets any of the following:
1. Has killed or caused serious injury to any persons;
2. Has caused injury, other than killing or serious injury to any person, or has killed another dog;
3. Is a pit bull terrier, the ownership, keeping or harboring of such a dog shall be prima-facie evidence of the ownership, keeping or harboring of a vicious dog."
More from the city code " C. "Pit bull terrier" as used herein includes, but is not limited to, any American Pit Bull Terrier, any Bull Terrier, any Staffordshire Bull Terrier or American Staffordshire Terrier breed of dog, or any mixed breed of dog which contains as an element of its breeding the breed of American Pit Bull Terrier, Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier or American Staffordshire Terrier as to be identifiable as partially of the breed of American Pit Bull Terrier, Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier or American Staffordshire Terrier."
More from the city code " (b) No owner, keeper or harborer of a dangerous or vicious dog shall fail to do either of the following:
(1) While that dog is on the premises of the owner, keeper or harborer, securely confine it at all times in a building, in a locked pen which has a top, locked fenced yard or other locked enclosure which has a top, except that a dangerous dog may, in the alternative, be tied with a leash or tether so that the dog is adequately restrained;
(2) While that dog is off the premises of the owner, keeper or harborer, keep it on a chain-link leash or tether that is not more than six feet in length and additionally do at least one of the following:
A. Keep that dog in a locked pen which has a top, locked fenced yard or other locked enclosure which has a top;
B. Have the leash or tether controlled by a person who is of suitable age and discretion or securely attach, tie or affix the leash or tether to the ground or stationary object or fixture so that the dog is adequately restrained and station such a person in close enough proximity to that dog so as to prevent it from causing injury to any person;
C. Muzzle that dog.
(c) No owner, keeper or harborer of a vicious dog shall fail to obtain liability insurance with an insurer authorized to write liability insurance in this State providing coverage in each occurrence, subject to a limit, exclusive of interest and costs, of not less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) because of damage or bodily injury to or death of a person caused by the vicious dog. (ORC 955.22)"
The prosecutor needs to THINK about THIS?
The prosecutor needs to THINK about THIS?
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Gallia County
Jeremy Collins, age 38 years, was cited for harboring a pit bull within the city limits. Gallipolis has a pit bull ban. Mr. Collins pleaded not guilty the charge of possession of a dangerous and vicious dog in violation of local law. Per the Galliopolis Daily Tribune "According to police reports, officers were dispatched to Collins’ residence after receiving complaints of three dogs allegedly living at the home. While approaching the home, a man was exiting the building. An officer reported seeing “what appeared to be a pit bull in the living room area of the residence.”
Reportedly, Collins met with the officer on the porch and was told about the complaint in regards to the dogs at his home. Collins allegedly responded that he did not have three dogs and said he only owned one dog the officer had observed on his approach. Two other dogs had been at the house but were picked up by their owner a few days before.
The officer then cited Collins with a first-degree misdemeanor in regard to regard to the presence of the animal and served with a court summons. Collins was reportedly advised to relocate the dog. Police reports say Collins had been given a warning for a similar offense in January 2015."
Collins apparently blew off his previous warning but law enforcement was not so patient this time.
More from the Galliopolis Daily Tribune "A man who lived in Gallipolis at the time approached the city commission last September under a similar circumstance. Officers approached him for owning a pit bull within city limits. After asking the commission to change its view on the standing ordinance, the commission deliberated and after a time decided to not change the law.
More from the Galliopolis Daily Tribune "A man who lived in Gallipolis at the time approached the city commission last September under a similar circumstance. Officers approached him for owning a pit bull within city limits. After asking the commission to change its view on the standing ordinance, the commission deliberated and after a time decided to not change the law.
Individuals convicted of owning a listed illegal breed within municipal limits could potentially face six months in jail and up to a $1,000 fine."
Pit bull bans are enforced on a complaint basis. Mr. Collins neighbors are fed up, it appears that neighbors of last September's pit bull owner were fed up as well.
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Lakemore Ohio
Summit County
On July 1st a new vicious dog ordinance went into effect in Lakemore. Per the
"The ordinance identifies several dog breeds that are considered vicious. Owners of dogs of these breeds will be required to follow the new guidelines:
n American bulldog or old country bulldog
n Canary dog or perro de presa canario
n Staffordshire bull terrier
n American pit bull terrier
n American Staffordshire terrier
n Any mixed breed that contains elements of the breeds listed
Upon doing register their dogs, owners will receive a sign for their property and a florescent green collar for the dog. There is no cost for the registration. Vicious dogs will also need to be tattooed with a code number provided by the village or will need to be micro-chipped. To see the ordinance in its entirety, visit"Letters were mailed to all residents explaining the new ordinance.
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Newark Ohio
Licking County
For the second time this year Newark Ohio is changing its municipal code related to vicious dogs. Newark had a pit bull ban with the generous option of complete exemption from the ban for dogs that passed the ridiculously easy AKC CGC test. This option was evidently not quite easy enough, the first couple of years of the offer only three pit bulls achieved exemption. Councilman Jeff Rath led the charge to drop the ban last year but was defeated. He brought it right back this year, the vote was tied with city council president Don Ellington breaking the tie. Even though Newark residents spoke in favor of keeping the pit bull ban.
Rath is attempting to pose as a neutral voice of common sense, as opposed to the person directly responsible for dropping the breed ban in April with the fatal mauling of a Chihuahua in May.
Per the Newark Advocate " One dog is dead and another severely injured after being attacked by a pit bull Friday morning, according to police.
A pit bull got loose and killed a mixed breed Chihuahua in the 1000 block of Guckert Ave. at about 9 a.m., said Newark Police Sgt. Clint Eskins. The pit bull then attacked another dog as it was being walked by its owner. That dog suffered severe injuries, Eskins said.
The pit bull is now back with its owner and not in the custody of police or animal control. Police said a report about the incident would not be completed until Saturday.
Pit bulls are not automatically deemed vicious in Newark after city council voted last month to have designations based on behavior rather than breed."
This was the first offense from this particular pit bull and it killed someone's pet and attacked another dog.
After all 10 members of the Newark city council voted unanimously to alter the law passed in April to label dogs vicious is they kill another dog. Rath stated "It's giving us the ability to hold dogs and dog owners more accountable for their actions," said Jeff Rath, R-3rd Ward. "I think the act of a dog killing a dog is something that ... warrants more accountability both for the owner and for the dog."
After all 10 members of the Newark city council voted unanimously to alter the law passed in April to label dogs vicious is they kill another dog. Rath stated "It's giving us the ability to hold dogs and dog owners more accountable for their actions," said Jeff Rath, R-3rd Ward. "I think the act of a dog killing a dog is something that ... warrants more accountability both for the owner and for the dog."
It was easy to see this one coming.
For more on Newark please click here or here . Or just enter Newark in the site search box, there is plenty here.
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Macedonia Ohio
Summit County
Emma, the Chihuahua/Beagle mix was killed by the neighbor's pit bull inside the garage of her owners. Per Newsnet5 "Bob Blazek and his fiancé Lisa Schultz still can't believe what they witnessed Friday in their Macedonia garage.
For more on Newark please click here or here . Or just enter Newark in the site search box, there is plenty here.
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Macedonia Ohio
Summit County
Emma, the Chihuahua/Beagle mix was killed by the neighbor's pit bull inside the garage of her owners. Per Newsnet5 "Bob Blazek and his fiancé Lisa Schultz still can't believe what they witnessed Friday in their Macedonia garage.
"The big bad wolf just came over and ate her,” said Blazek.
A neighbor's pit bull charged across the street attacking their 5-year-old Chihuahua-beagle mix named Emma.
"Seeing the pet you love get killed in front of you, it's terrible,” said Blazek.
The couple showed Newsnet5’s Paul Kiska pictures of Emma after the attack. But Emma was so ripped apart by the pit bull, the photos are too gruesome to show.
"He was just chewing her, chewing her up,” Blazek said."
The pit bull remains with the owner and there will be no charges. Ohio law protects vicious dogs. A bill to create felony charges for owners of dogs that kill humans, and would also allow euthanization of dogs that kill other dogs, SB 151, has been sitting in the Ohio Senate Agriculture Committee for well over a year, three hearings and zero votes. Committee Chairman Cliff Hite should feel deep shame.
Emma deserves better. Ohio residents deserve better.
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Brunswick Ohio
Cuyahoga County
William Yates was attacked by a pit bull when he knocked on the door of a friend. He was there to watch a Cavs game on TV. This story did not make local news. Please click on the gofundme link, photos of the injuries are appalling.
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Brunswick Ohio
Cuyahoga County
William Yates was attacked by a pit bull when he knocked on the door of a friend. He was there to watch a Cavs game on TV. This story did not make local news. Please click on the gofundme link, photos of the injuries are appalling.
Per the page "On Saturday May 21, 2016 at approximately 7:30pm my Uncle William went to visit freinds to watch the Cavs hopefully pull in a win. Unfortunately he didn't get to see that game. When William knocked on the door he was greeted by not only a person...but a pit bull that wasn't going to allow him access to the home. William's instinct was to block the dog with his left arm and try to pull the dog off with his right hand. The dog locked on to his arm and wouldn't let go. William pulled the collar so hard that it broke, but all that did was make the dog even more angry. The attack went on for approximately 7 minutes and caused damage that may leave him with some loss of mobility in his left arm, left leg and right hand. William managed to kick the dog off and into the house. Once inside the house and the door locked, the dog turned on a female occupant of the home and attacked her as well. Luckily her injuries were not as serious. EMS/911 was called while the attack was taking place."
This victim was bitten on both legs, both arms, both sides of his chest, and his hands, AND THEN the pit bull attacked a woman in the house.
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St Marys Ohio
Auglaize County
A pit bull owner, living in a community that formerly regulated pit bulls but caved to the constant whining of pit bull owners that they were being discriminated against is complaining yet again. A quote from her letter to the editor "A year later our city implemented a “pit bull” ordinance. Many people objected and city council decided it was unjust to have a discriminatory ordinance that judged a dog by its looks alone. The council unanimously voted in a new ordinance which focuses on the dog and owners behavior. I was so proud to live in a place where the city council would listen to the concerns of its citizens.
That pride ended last week when I learned that I am being thrown out of the home I have lived in for nearly a year because of the type of dogs I choose to own and rescue. My landlord stated to me that a gentleman who lives down the street from me, and who happens to be a former city council member, said that he does not want me living there anymore because he doesn’t want my dogs in the neighborhood.
My dogs do not run loose, they do not menace anyone or anything and they have not done nothing that would deem them dangerous.
We all know that discrimination of any kind is wrong; so, why do we allow it to continue?"
I put this just after the story of the unreported attack on William Yates for a reason. It is not "discrimination" to acknowledge the potential for life changing injuries from pit bulls.
St. Marys Ohio
Auglaize County
A pit bull attacked a St. Bernard, on the property of the St. Bernard's owner. Police were called. Per the Evening Leader " “The St. Bernard was in its own yard and the pit bull was running loose,” St. Marys Police Chief Mark Ernst told The Evening Leader. “The officer tased the pit bull five times. The first few times, the pit bull went back after the St. Bernard. The last few times, the officer was tasing it to try and get control so they could get a dog pole but the dog was up and moving around. They were afraid the dog would break the leads and if so, they would have no control over the dog. With the kids and adults around, the officer was afraid it would attack a person.” It was at that time the officer shot the dog. Ernst said the pit bull’s owner eventually showed up at the scene. “He stated he understood why it happened,” Ernst said.
This comment was posted by the pit bull owner. Please remember, the pit bull was at large and attacking another dog on the property of the other dog's owner.
Brittany Bullock ·
Self Employed at Rci
Titan ran out of the house when the door was opened moving a bookshelf. There was three kids under 5 yrs of age at the house and he did not harm either one. 3 adults also not harmed. Ever thought Titan, "the vicious pit" was just protecting someone the St. Bernard was goin after. Considering the owed of the Saint said he was aggressive. He didn't tear that dog up severely.. It had two puncture wounds and some stitches in the face. He wasn't attacking him or he would've been way more injured. He was licking his jaws to keep him in place probably. And the owner also said they beat Titan with boards.. And this happened in 7-10 minutes then police arrived. No adults were outside during this so there's no witness to what exactly happened before the dog fight. Titan was a gentle obedient submissive dog. Never barked or growled.. Literally. And was super protective over every dog and human especially children and babies. There bits and pieces missing to this story.. That's for sure. Me and my ex got Titan together. And he was very well trained and babied with lots of love. We had him around people and other dogs before. Never a problem. He was bit before but never fought or attacked the dog back. He was an inside dog and slept in our bed every night. We eventually had a puppy after we got him and he loved that dog so much. That was his brother. So maybe if people would tell the rest of the story then we could understand the whole timeline. And what really happened.
There is a gofundme page for the St. Bernard's medical expenses, please click here . He could use a few bucks.

THIS is the reason for the caution in St. Marys.