Fatal attacks have continued, sadly. We will round up the 2014 fatal attacks today. 2015 is not beginning well, 2015 fatalities will be covered in the next installment of Death and Excuses.
A new feature on this post will be messages sent direct to the families of those killed by pit bulls. The public should be aware of the thought processes of those so invested in breed specific advocacy that they could even consider their messages appropriate. These social misfits are the foot soldiers for Ledy Vankavage, Jane Berkey, and Karen Delise.
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Marshall County Mississippi
David Glass Sr. was mauled to death by a neighbor's pit bulls, he was was found in a ditch by a passing motorist. Glass died in a Memphis hospital. Dog owner Eric Hodges was promptly charged with culpable negligent manslaughter. Police removed three roaming pit bulls from Hodges' property and later removed for three more pit bulls that were tied up.
David Glass Jr. told police that is father had been working on a friend's grave at the time of the attack. Per WMCActionnews5 "Marshall County Sheriff Kenny Dickerson knew Glass Sr. and said he was very active at two churches in the community, Hudsonville Church and Sand Hill Church.
"I feel like I am a better man for having known him," Dickerson said.
David said his father helped him become a man, and he'll miss not being able to call him.
"That father son bond will just never grow old, I mean I'm going to miss that a ton just to pick up the phone and hear his voice and encouraging words," he said."
The pit bull owner, Eric Hodges, was arrested and charged with manslaughter by culpable negligence.
Local law enforcement stated that the community was considering some sort of animal control ordinance. When the County Sheriff memorializes a man as Sheriff Dickerson did above, that is quite a tribute to a man who will obviously be missed.
For video please click here.
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Cave City Ar.
Alice Payne, age 75 was mauled to death in her home by her own pit bull. Per the South Missourian News, Payne fell and was attacked by her dog after the fall. Payne's daughter was a witness to the attack and called 911 for police and first responders. Payne was dead on the living room floor by the time they arrived. Family members were able to get the dog off the victim (the owner) and into the back yard. The pit bull was put down by police. Cave City does not have a dangerous dog ordinance but the Cave City Chief of police plans to ask the city council to consider one.
Mrs Payne was well known in her community, she operated a local antique store.
Cave City Police Chief Nate Stephens had this to say about a proposed dog ordinance "These dogs were bred to fight to death, bite harder, get stronger and be tougher. This breed is what is known as pit bulls. They get the name from the dogs being placed in pits to fight each other. These dogs weren't bred for intelligence, to be docile or make good pets. They were made to kill another man's dog. I have seen some pits that are really nice dogs. I have a friend who has one that will lick you to death. But you never know when a pit will go back to what it is bred to do. Some never do go back and continue to be good pets. However, it's a roll of the dice and you never know how they will fall. Statistics shows, that most will turn on their owners and usually a child of the owner. Some of them turn on who ever is handy when they decide to snap. Some say all dogs will bite and that is true, but pits are more likely to mall and finish the job if they can, and other breeds bite and run or back off. Pits can't be blamed, it was what they were made to do."
Clear thinking Chief, thank you!
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Modesto California
A man and his elderly mother were attacked by a neighbor's four pit bulls that had gotten into the victim's yard through a common fence. Jaun Fernandez, 59 years old died of multiple traumatic injuries. Maria Frenandez, his 77 year old mother, was critically injured and remained hospitalized for an extended period of time after the attack. Per CBS Sacramento " In Tuesday’s mauling in Modesto, deputies responding to several 911 calls found Juan Fernandez being attacked by three pit bulls in the backyard of his home and a fourth pit bull circling him. Deputies shot and killed two of the dogs. The other two ran off to an adjacent yard but were later shot to death when they charged deputies trying to capture them, sheriff’s officials said.
It was reported that Mr. Fernandez came home to find the four pit bulls attacking his mother in the yard. He fought to protect her allowing her to escape into the house. For video please click here.
For video of the pit bull owners avoiding reporters, and video of a local pit bull owner denying breed traits please click here.
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Dodge County Wisconsin
Seven year old Logan Meyer was killed by a Rottweiler owned by the family and being trained as a service dog. Per the Sheriff, Logan let the dog out in the yard to relieve itself, there was no apparent reason for the attack. Logan's mother called 911 to report a dog bite, law enforcement reported a horrific scene with major bites to Logan's head. Upon arrival law enforcement found the Rottweiler back in his pen, wagging his tail .
The Rottweiler that killed Logan was imported from Holland and trained for personal protection and service. Per Logan's mother, Tiffany Smith, Ozzy the Rottweiler had been living in the house with the family for three months with no problems. Tiffany and her husband Jessie had moved to the location, Platinum K9 Protection LLC (motto - Social Protection Dogs with a Switch) in Iron Ridge, just days prior to the attack. They planned to run their business, Platinum K9 at that location. Both Tiffany and Jessie Smith are affiliated with a Denver Indiana business, Vohne Liche Kennels, training dogs for the military and for police. Jessie Smith is listed as co-founder and chairman of the Vohne Liche Kennels Executive and Family Protection group. Tiffany Smith is listed as president and chief operating officer of the Executive and Family Protection group. The Facebook page for the Vohne Leche Kennels Executive and Family Protection group has been taken down. No surprise.

Logan Meyer
The family had just started the new dog training business, Platinum K9 Protection LLC, and had no insurance at the time of Logan's death. A gofundme account has been set up. The dog was euthanized.
Here is a screenshot of Ozzy, the "Social Protection Dog with a Switch."
Here is a link to video, archived by dogsbite.org, of Ozzy. Note that the 3 1/2 to 4 year old "trained" Ozzy makes no response to simple commands like "come" and "sit" but according to audio on the tape Ozzy is bite trained and is expected to be sold to a doctor with three children. The doctor is a very fortunate man.
It is lunacy to allow and/or expect a dog to be a final authority on who might or might not be a threat. It is a DOG.
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Robeson County NC
Alameaner Dial, age 83, was transported to New Hanover Medical Center and then airlifted to UNC Hospital where she died a week later. Mrs. Dial was attacked by pit bulls belonging to a relative.
Per the Robesonian "Since her grandmother’s death one week ago, Lydia Hoyes and her parents have found comfort in knowing that 83-year-old Alemeaner Dial seemed to believe her time was near.
The week before Alemeaner was attacked by Lydia’s dogs, an attack that led to her death on Nov. 2, she began telling her 26-year-old granddaughter things she wanted her to know — “just in case.”
She took the father of Lydia’s son aside for a similar chat.
“She was telling him that he needed to be there for me, which was weird,” Lydia said.
Although devastated by her grandmother’s death, a week later, Lydia has stopped crying.
“Why should I cry? My grandma loved me,” she said.
Of Alemeaner’s 24 grandchildren, Lydia was the favorite, according to Alemeaner’s son-in-law, Ronald Locklear. He has been frustrated because some have tried to blame his daughter because the pit bulls were her’s.
Well, I guess that makes everything OK. Grandma "knew her time was near" and took the opportunity to pass information on "just in case" to the VERY PEOPLE WHO OWNED THE DAMN PIT BULLS. Mrs Dial
One of the family pit bulls that killed Alameaner Dial
Mrs. Dial's son offered this explanation for the attack, one that he did not see and other family members did see. "Family members who arrived at the house while the attack was taking place say Alemeaner was dragged from her porch by the dogs while reading the paper. Ronald doubts that was the case, saying doctors told the family that three broken ribs suggests she had fallen.
“When Mom got up out of the chair instead of how she normally goes right on back to the house, the puppies were probably down there and she wanted to pet them … She must’ve fell on one of the puppies. She was rolled over on her back because they didn’t get to her back,” Ronald said, offering his explanation."
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Fremont County WY
A 40 year old woman was found on the Wind River Indian Reservation, hypothermic with severe injuries indicating an animal attack. She died later that evening at SageWest Health Care.
Investigators said Deanne Lynn Coando was attacked by "multiple dogs" Per the Fremont County Ranger "Preliminary autopsy results indicate she died of hypothermia and blood loss from "serious injuries" suffered in the attack."

For video please click here.

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Fremont County WY
A 40 year old woman was found on the Wind River Indian Reservation, hypothermic with severe injuries indicating an animal attack. She died later that evening at SageWest Health Care.
Investigators said Deanne Lynn Coando was attacked by "multiple dogs" Per the Fremont County Ranger "Preliminary autopsy results indicate she died of hypothermia and blood loss from "serious injuries" suffered in the attack."
For video please click here.
Pine Ridge SD
An eight year old girl, Jayla Rodriguez, was mauled to death by a pack of dogs as she was out sledding near the Crazy Horse housing project on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. There were no witnesses to the attack.
The Oglala Sioux tribe passed legislation, Braedons' Law several years ago to ban Dobermans, Rottweilers and pit bulls on the reservation When found these dogs are picked up and destroyed. This law was named after then five year Braedon Rodriguez, mauled by two dogs in 2003. Per KELOLAND.com "Fillspipe researched the topic after her son Braedon was attacked by two dogs in 2003 when he was five years old. Fillspipe says he had to undergo 15 facial surgeries and still has nightmares about that day.
It's why “Braedon's Law,” was passed in 2006. Only Fillspipe says there has been a problem with enforcement on the reservation. This is a key phrase "there has been a problem with enforcement on the reservation."
For video of Ellen Fillspipe's interview please click here.
In a strange twist of fate, Braedon was a mentor to Jayla. Per the Rapid City Journal "Sixteen-year-old Braedon Rodriguez and 8-year-old Jayla Rodriguez maintained a close bond since being paired several years ago in a school mentoring program, according to Braedon’s mother, Ellen Fillspipe.
In a strange twist of fate, Braedon was a mentor to Jayla. Per the Rapid City Journal "Sixteen-year-old Braedon Rodriguez and 8-year-old Jayla Rodriguez maintained a close bond since being paired several years ago in a school mentoring program, according to Braedon’s mother, Ellen Fillspipe.
When Braedon walked into Jayla’s classroom the first time, she asked if they could be best friends and if their shared last name, Rodriguez, meant they were related.
“He said, ‘No, I don’t think so,’ and she looked really hurt that they weren’t,” Fillspipe said. “I think she was looking for family, so he said, ‘We can be related if you want to.’ ”
Afterward, according to Fillspipe, Jayla sometimes referred to Braedon as her cousin. When they passed each other in the hallways at Red Cloud School, their standard greeting was “Hi, best friend.”
Deputy Police Chief John Mousseau stated his department was doing everything possible to locate the pack. Oglala Sioux tribal officials operating under the tribal law "Any and all stray unlicensed animals not displaying a current rabies tag that pose a threat to the health and safety of persons residing on the Pine Ridge Reservation will be destroyed immediately."rounded up and killed "a horse trailer full" of dogs at large. The problem of stray and feral dogs on the reservation is described as severe. For more information on the dog round up please click here.
Jayla's family is in the process of creating a non profit organization to raise money to improve animal control on the reservation. The name chosen for the organization is "Jayla's Dream." Per the Rapid City Journal "“We want to make sure this doesn’t ever happen again,” Cami Griffith said, referring to the reported dog attack on her niece.
Jayla's family is in the process of creating a non profit organization to raise money to improve animal control on the reservation. The name chosen for the organization is "Jayla's Dream." Per the Rapid City Journal "“We want to make sure this doesn’t ever happen again,” Cami Griffith said, referring to the reported dog attack on her niece.
She said family members are weighing needs on the reservation. Money raised by the nonprofit could support tribal animal control efforts, animal rescue organizations that work on the reservation, or the startup of an animal shelter, said Griffith, who formerly worked for the Humane Society of the Black Hills."
Ellen Fillspipe, newly elected Tribal Council member, wants to focus on enforcement of existing tribal law allowing tribal authorities to confiscate and euthanize banned breeds and other dogs deemed stray or dangerous. Discussion is already underway about expanding the existing animal control program and moving the program out of the public health department and putting it under the authority of public safety officials.
Photos of Jayla.
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Stratford Connecticut
A 91 year old woman called 911 for help after being attacked by her own dog, identified as Keeshond mix on November 14, 2014. Stella Antanaitis was taken to Bridgeport Hospital where she died of her injuries on November 18, 2014.
Neighbors stated that Mrs. Antanaitis had adopted the dog as a puppy and in the eight years she had the dog there had been no incidents with it. According to police Antanaitis was attacked as she intervened in a fight between her dog and her Himalayan cat.
For video please click here and here.
Madison NC
Jose Cruz Cazares Robles was visiting relatives in Madison. The 62 year old man decided to go for a walk and did not return. A Rockingham County Sheriff's Deputy found Robles body at the bottom of an embankment, covered with animal bites the following day. The Deputy was driving down a road searching for Robles when a pack of dogs "aggressively confronted" his vehicle. Another Deputy responded and was also confronted by the dogs. Per WFMY News " The deputies found the dogs owner who said the dogs would "bite the ankles" of strangers near the property. In the application for search warrant, Detective Maryann Webb wrote, "Both investigators made contact with the dog owner and inquired about the dogs. She advised she was the owner and that they would 'bite the ankles' of strangers who were near the property."
After the dog owner secured the dogs Robles body was located. Fifteen dogs were seized, including 6 Hounds, 3 Heelers, and 6 Australian Shepherds.
Jose Cruz Cazares Robles
Autopsy results indicate Mr. Robles died of an "acute myocardial infarction in the setting of a dog attack and underlying atherosclerosis." Underlying atherosclerosis is pretty much the norm for 62 year old men. Having a heart attack while being attacked by a pack of dogs is no medical mystery.
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Pollock LA
Eighty five year old Bobbie Cheveallier was attacked on 11/26/2014 by stray dogs after she took some trash to burn outside her house. A neighbor noticed the dogs and went to Cheveallier's yard to investigate finding her on the ground without skin on most of her legs, most of the tissues and muscles mutilated. She was transported to Rapides Regional Medical Center where both legs were amputated above the knees. Bobbie Jean CHEVALIER was the most Angelic person I knew as a kid. Her husband, Virgil, returned from WWII wheelchair bound. She lovingly cared for him for many years until his passing. We pray for her family.--- Written by Dan S Cruse, Irrigon, Oregon.Mrs. Cheveallier died 12/1/2014.
Local authorities captured 15 dogs from the area so that DNA samples could be taken. Fourteen of the dogs belonged to the same owner, Mrs. Cheveallier's next door neighbor.
Mrs. Cheveallier was well thought of in her community. This comment was posted after an article on her death. Quite a tribute. "Bobbie Jean CHEVALIER was the most Angelic person I knew as a kid. Her husband, Virgil, returned from WWII wheelchair bound. She lovingly cared for him for many years until his passing. We pray for her family.--- Written by Dan S Cruse, Irrigon, Oregon."
Local officials are considering new animal control ordinances.
Crystal River Florida
A two year old child was killed by family owned Rottweilers, the child was attacked in the yard somewhere, no adult was present. The parents, Christopher Camejo and Claudia Scarborough were inside the home with friends and their other two children at the time of Christopher Camejo death.
Animal Control removed four Rottweilers and an additional dog from the home. Per reports, several Chihuahua puppies were not seized. The department of Children and Family Services removed a one year old child and a five year old child from the residence. Per 10News "Despite the tragedy, the father of the child, Chris Camejo, was arrested on an unrelated charge in his driveway. Camejo was arrested as he was in violation of an injunction for protection and was taken into custody at that time. The injunction had been served in another county on behalf of Claudia Scarbrough.
Father Chris Camejo was charged with manslaughter and child neglect in the death of his son.
Mother Claudia Scarborough was charged with manslaughter and child neglect in the death of her son.
One of the Rottweilers removed from the property. They all looked the same.
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San Antonio TX
An article from My San Antonio dated 12/12/2014 follows up on newly filed felony charges in the case of the fatal mauling of Petra Aguirre. Per MySA "Petra Aguirre, was feeding her cats on March 31 in the backyard of her home on the 900 block of Southwest 38th Street when two of Rojas’ dogs crawled under the fence and attacked her, authorities and Aguirre’s family have said." Mrs. Aguirre died two weeks after the attack at University Hospital.
Pit bull owner Perla Rojas, 34 years old, was indicted on a felony charge of dangerous dog attack leading to death. If convicted she could face up to 20 years in prison. Rojas was booked November 25th, and was held in the Bexar County jail in lieu of a $20,000 bail.
Rojas' pit bulls Skirtgles, Bebe, (both identified as American Staffordshire Terrier mixes) and another dog that also belonged to Rojas attacked a 13 year old boy in May of 2013. The boy was bitten on his legs and his buttocks, the dogs were quarantined at that time. Rojas paid for their release, she also paid for licensing her pit bulls, microchips, and rabies vaccinations. Allowing one free bite from Rojas' pit bulls cost a fine woman her life.
Skirtgles and Bebe received their well earned dirt naps after the death of Petra Aguirre.
For more information please click here.
Petra Aguirre
Orange may be the new black for pit bull owner Perla Rojas.
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Flour Bluff TX
Rita Woodward, also known as Rita Ross, was found dead at her home. She had been attacked by dogs that she was fostering for a local rescue group, For the Love of Strays. Per KIIITV "The Medical Examiner released a report late Tuesday stating that Ross had died from coronary artery atherosclerosis following multiple dog bites. Corpus Christi Police Department Commander John Houston, who supervises Animal Care Services, said it appeared that five of the 17 dogs found at Ross's home were responsible for the attack. Those five will likely be euthanized."
When the body was discovered in her yard on Monday evening, several dogs were seen feeding on the remains. One of Ross's dogs was euthanized due to injuries caused by the attacking dogs. A total of 17 dogs were found on Ross's property.
Rita Ross

Photo posted by Ross on Facebook. This is one of her dogs. This is not a poodle. Please click here for a link to more photos posted by Ross of her dogs. There are no Poodles to be found. Here is a comment made on a news story "Angelina So Blessed Channel 10, I just read the article? Where is this info coming from? I saw the news last night on another channel that said the same thing. ... this lovely lady loved these furbabies as they loved her..... Even the A.C. workers said all her furbabies were good...... Most of them being pitties... Shame on yall with this story without giving sources!!!!! I don't believe this!!!!!"
More from Angelina "Angelina So Blessed That was fast but I believe they probably tried helping her..... Dogs have good instincts, especially pitties. ... my opinion as I have always had pitties. Thank you for replying Ch 10.
Patricia R. Ann My condolence goes out to family,but it really tears me up when it has to do w pit bulls in the past I used to raise pitts and I had a Pitt and as she grew all she wanted was to be treaded like a baby to be carried or just go on rides .what I say people need to see what the Pitt was going through or treated or was it feed they were fosyered so of courses they will act different because they get thrown like trash and Pitts eat a lot ??? People need to see them different how they are being treated my prayers goes out to the family but I will speack up for pitts...
Tobias Benjamin It's because of headlines like this that I have a hard time finding foster homes for our rescues.
For the Love of Strays members congregate in front of Rita Ross's home.
Portage Indiana
Edward Cahill, age 40, was pronounced dead at his home on Christmas Day after being attacked and killed by his own pit bull. Per nwi.com " Police said Cahill was found in the living room of the residence covered in what appeared to be several lacerations to his arms and face. Police said what appeared to be blood was visible on the floor around Cahill's body, on the carpet, walls and furniture.
Two pit bulls were in the home when police arrived. Harris confirmed Cahill's dog, named FatBoi, was alone responsible for his death. The other pit bull was put away in a bedroom.
The dog involved in the attack was taken to the Humane Society of Hobart where he was euthanized Friday morning.
Cahill's body was found by his girlfriend at about 8 pm, she was not home at the time of the attack. She stated to Police that she and Cahill had given large bones to their pit bulls on Christmas Eve and Fat Boy (the killer pit bull) was extremely aggressive and protective of the bone and would growl and snap at anyone who might try to take the bone. It is also telling that Fat Boy was "extremely aggressive and unpredictable" and the girlfriend had asked Cahill to euthanize the dog.Here is a description of FatBoi's behavior "According to police reports, an Animal Control officer and a police officer on the scene attempted to remove FatBoi with an animal control pole known as a trap line. Police said Fat Boy was on top of a bed, "continuously barking, growling, standing in an aggressive stance and lunging toward officers" and when he edged closer to the side of the bed toward the officers, a police officer deployed his Taser, striking the dog in the right side until he fell on the floor.
According to police reports, animal control was not able to get the trap line around the dog's neck prior to the end of the 5-second Taser cycle, so he allowed the Taser to cycle through until they could gain control of the dog.
Once they managed to place the trap line around the pit bull's neck, he was removed from the residence and taken to an animal control van, according to police reports. Police reported that FatBoi bit the trap line in such a manner that he caused his mouth to bleed until he was secured in the van. "
Charming. Watch the video here for a cheerful day-after-the-death interview with the woman variously described as Cahill's girlfriend and as his wife, Bianca Rodriguez. Rodriguez is already backing away from her statements to police on FatBoi's temperament and defending the breed. Rodriguez goes on to say that FatBoi's cremains would be buried with Cahill. This is a flashback to the Darla Napora mauling death. Napora was buried with her unborn child and the cremated remains of Gunner, the dog that killed them both. Note to pit bull advocates - this arrangement is very creepy to normal people. This is a post by Cahill on his Facebook page noting aggression from FatBoi dated 12/10/2014
Eddie Cahill and FatBoi in better times. Eddie owned FatBoi for eight years.
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Moving on to comments went direct to parents of children mauled to death by pit bulls. What causes this kind of mental illness?

Here we are with a collection of news article comments. Appropriate for stories about fatal attacks?
Derek Xblitz Howe · Customer Care Representative at Sykes - Eugene
So tell me, I really must know. How is it that pits are needing to be banned? German shepards have been bred and trained for violence for decades. No one cares about them? Dobermans? Nope no one cares. Stop spreading your propaganda. You guys are like the nazis of the dog world.
Derek Xblitz Howe · Customer Care Representative at Sykes - Eugene
Alright so let's play a numbers game? Would I be too out of line to say that pit bull type breeds are the majority of the breeds in America today? They take up a pretty large portion of the pie graph of dog types in America? Then just by pure probability you will have more aggressive pits than others. Specially with the tools out there who breed for the trait. But what I will not stand for is for someone to come in my home and tell me I cannot have the dog I want. That is a god given right. I believe that falls under the pursuit of happiness in the inalienable rights thing. It's one thing to say no pits in a rental. But if I own my property. Lol no I will not stand for it. All this being said, this is a tragic accident. My heart goes out to the family.
Note to Derek, dogs are personal property and may be regulated for the purpose of public safety. Cars, motorcycles, alcohol, tobacco, firearms, drugs, all personal property and all regulated. Zoning regulations tell you what you may do with your own home, businesses are regulated. There is no God given "right" to keep any dog you may choose. You may not keep a lion or a bear as a pet either in most places. The public has a right to safety in the community. By including a "LOL" in your remarks you indicate that you have no actual understanding of the loss of the Glass family.
Kathi Elam Norris · Top Commenter · North Lake College
Heartbreaking for the family. Thoughts and prayers go out to them.
Tom ~ I wonder how many of these dogs were DNA tested. Without dna testing your research is junk. You must have a lot of time on your hands. No dog is inherently dangerous, just like no man of color is inherently dangerous. Pit Bulls are the most overbred dog in the country....by people that abuse them and use them for fight, bait, and guard. Any dog can be turn mean if abused and tortured!! You should also research dog temperament tests. Pit Bull consistently places in the top 2 year after year. There is actually science behind the testing. There is no science in inaccurate numbers. Pit Bull attacks are the only ones that ever make the news. What about the Pomeranian that killed the baby, or the golden retriever that also killed a baby? I have 3 pit bulls, never been bitten, or scratched by any of them...only by the chihuahua! You people chanting and ranting believe everything you hear on TV, no matter how sensationalized! You don't know Pit Bulls like the owners and rescuers do. I am not going to banter with people that don't know what they are talking about. I am educated and know better than to believe the media unless there is evidence to back it up. Everybody blames the Pit Bull for everything...smh Oh and Tom a Bull Mastiff is not a Pit Bull. A dna test will prove it!
Tom ~ I wonder how many of these dogs were DNA tested. Without dna testing your research is junk. You must have a lot of time on your hands. No dog is inherently dangerous, just like no man of color is inherently dangerous. Pit Bulls are the most overbred dog in the country....by people that abuse them and use them for fight, bait, and guard. Any dog can be turn mean if abused and tortured!! You should also research dog temperament tests. Pit Bull consistently places in the top 2 year after year. There is actually science behind the testing. There is no science in inaccurate numbers. Pit Bull attacks are the only ones that ever make the news. What about the Pomeranian that killed the baby, or the golden retriever that also killed a baby? I have 3 pit bulls, never been bitten, or scratched by any of them...only by the chihuahua! You people chanting and ranting believe everything you hear on TV, no matter how sensationalized! You don't know Pit Bulls like the owners and rescuers do. I am not going to banter with people that don't know what they are talking about. I am educated and know better than to believe the media unless there is evidence to back it up. Everybody blames the Pit Bull for everything...smh Oh and Tom a Bull Mastiff is not a Pit Bull. A dna test will prove it!
OMG! These comments are so accurate!!!! NOT.
Any animal can turn on their owner, it's easier for people to quickly assume it was all the dog's fault, because of course like anything, this particular breed is solely bred to kill. Correct? False! Stick to the facts and statistics of these brilliant animals. You don't know the living conditions the dog was in, or how this elderly woman treated it leading up to the attack. All you know is what was reported and what you read. They are animals, they too have feelings, sadly they can't speak for themselves. So, please don't buy into the Pit Bull hatred and try not to believe everything you read. -_-
Krystina Coker · Kirkland, Washington
Any animal can turn on their owner, it's easier for people to quickly assume it was all the dog's fault, because of course like anything, this particular breed is solely bred to kill. Correct? False! Stick to the facts and statistics of these brilliant animals. You don't know the living conditions the dog was in, or how this elderly woman treated it leading up to the attack. All you know is what was reported and what you read. They are animals, they too have feelings, sadly they can't speak for themselves. So, please don't buy into the Pit Bull hatred and try not to believe everything you read. -_-
Krystina Coker · Kirkland, Washington
You clearly are not of an intelligent class. If you were, you would know that the pit bull species are not ones to blame for this terrible crime but the unjust nature of the owners. Being an owner of several pit bulls throughout the years, I have come to know that this species are ones to be cherished. Their is not one cruel bone in their bodies that I have seen besides those cruel soles that unfortunately try and imprint themselves into these helpless soles.
Skyler Coker · Works at Microsoft
Your sweeping generalizations are a clear indication of your ignorance. May by the grace of God you be struck down by lightning, a meteorite, or more fitting, a pack of feral cats. You are the definition of a waste of life.
Matt Pellerin · Top Commenter
Matt Pellerin · Top Commenter
They are not attack animals. They are actually show ring. Huge difference