These posts are really hard to write. There are differences in specific details but the basic theme is sudden, senseless death. How many of these attacks will it take until lawmakers remember who elected them and why they were elected?
The comments from pit bull advocates don't change much. What prompts someone to post these thoughts on the death of a human being?
The final dog mauling death of 2013 was
Tom Vick, of Bullhead City Arizona. Mr. Vick, age 64, was a teacher at Mohave High School. Both Mr. Vick and his wife Diane, the former mayor of Bullhead City, were injured while attempting to break up a dog fight in their home. It was reported that a Boxer attacked a Cocker Spaniel. When the Vicks intervened the Boxer attacked them both. Both Mr. and Mrs. Vick were transported to a Las Vegas hosiptal but Mr. Vick did not survive his injuries.
The Cocker Spaniel was killed during the attack.
The remaining five dogs were to be euthanized at the request of Diane Vick.
Tom Vick with daughter Erica
* * *
Houston Texas
A homeless woman, Christina Bell, also known as Christina Burleson, age 43 was mauled to death by three pit bulls. Two of the dogs were owned by a local resident. one was reported to be a stray. The owner of the two pit bulls, both females, reportedly had
pit bull puppies in the home in addition to the attacking dogs. Click
here for video, local residents are worried about loose pit bulls in this neighborhood.
Residents state they have complained about these dogs for years. For additional video of neighbors stating their concerns about the dogs please click
Christine Bell loved animals, she had received some pie and went out to share it with the dogs when she was killed by them. Two witnesses were injured by the attacking pit bulls as they attempted to assist the victim. The attacking pit bulls were expected to be euthanized unless the Lexus Project becomes involved..

One of the attacking pit bulls.
For video of a witness who tried to help the victim and was attacked himself, please click
* * *
Bloomington Illinois
Four year old Kara Hartrich was attacked and killed by three pit bulls, all owned by her family. Autopsy results showed massive blood loss and multiple bites to the head, arms and neck. Kara had been in the family home with a younger sibling, and her grandmother. It was reported that Kara told her grandmother that one of the dogs had hurt her. The grandmother tried to separate Kara from the dogs but the dogs turned on the grandmother as well. Kara's mother described her as a "happy child who loved to sing and dance."
Kara died on her birthday. The dogs reportedly had no history of violence.

This beautiful child is Kara Hartrich.

These are the family pit bulls that killed her.
All three pit bulls were euthanized. The Lexus Project did not "save" them.
Many of the articles on this mauling death had comments deleted and/or turned off. The comments quickly became ugly, blaming the victim.
* * *
Corona CA
Eighty nine year old Annabelle Martin was killed by her grandson's three Rottweilers. Police officers called to the scene shot one of the dogs after it lunged at them. The other two dogs were seized and euthanized. These dogs had no history of aggression.
* * *
Temple Texas
Two year old Je'vaeh Mayes was killed by a pit bull that her family was watching for a friend. There was no history of aggression noted from this particular pit bull. Je'vaeh's family also owns a pit bull that is described as friendly. For video please click
Je'vaeh was described as gentle and intelligent, loved by family and neighbors. Family reports indicate that
Je'vaeh may have slipped out of the house to play with the puppies of the dog when she was attacked.
No criminal charges were filed against the owner of the pit bull, the owner failed, or refused to pick the dog up from the shelter despite numerous calls from city officials. The pit bull was euthanized, the Lexus Project was not involved here. There are no reports on what was done with the puppies, possibly the Lexus Project has them.
A candlelight vigil was held to honor Je'vaeh on February 18th. Her family is devastated by her death.
* * *
Dayton Ohio
Fifty seven year old Klonda Richey was mauled to death by dogs owned by the felon next door. Ms. Richey had been making complaints to Montgomery County Animal Control and to Dayton police on these dogs for years. No action was taken by Animal Control other that to stick post-it note warnings on the dog owner's door. Ms. Richey also attempted to get a civil protection order against her neighbor because she was afraid of the neighbor and that his dogs would kill her. The court refused. Klonda Richey was correct, her neighbor's dogs killed her, Richey's body was found face down and naked in the snow in front of her home. The dogs ripped her clothes off while mauling her. Ms. Richey was a cat lover and had many well cared for cats in her home. Montgomery County Animal Resource Center (Montgomery County Animal Control, headed my Dog Warden Mark Kumpf) is placing these cats. After ignoring Ms. Richey's concerns for years and blowing off her complaints, the Animal Resource Center has re-named the cat placement room. It is now "Klonda's Kitty Korner."
This case has been written about a great deal on this blog.
here, and
here, and
here, and
here, and
here, and
here, and
here, and
here, and
here, and finally

Klonda Richey, she gave Montgomery County Animal Control every opportunity to protect her but no action was taken. No charges have been filed against the dog owners to date. This is obscene.
Julie Custer, owner of the killer dogs, apparently is not too upset that her dogs mauled the neighbor to death. Ms. Custer posted this self portrait on February 26th. She appears to be pleased with herself in this photo posted on her Facebook page.

For more wisdom from the Psychic Gerbil please click
For a website memorializing the life of Klonda Richey please click
The dogs were shot by police responding to the call. The Lexus Project was left out in the cold.
* * *
Tallahassee Alabama
A four year old girl was killed by dogs.
Summer Sears was killed by a dog described as a white shepherd mix as she was playing in her grandfather's yard, it was reported that another dog may have been involved as well. Summer was pronounced dead at the scene. Police Chief Jimmy Rogers made this statement "
"The child had sustained many bite marks and it was obviously not a normal attack. The way I described it earlier is what you'd envision when somebody gets attacked by a wild bear,"
The dogs belong to a neighbor and have been reported loose in the neighborhood in the past.
There is no leash law in the area.

Summer Sears
Due to the lack of local leash laws there are no charges expected.
* * *
High Point North Carolina
Three year old
Braelynn Rayne Coulter was attacked by a pit bull owned by the family. Braelynn was transported to the hospital by a family member where the little girl died of her injuries. Per WXII News "
A neighbor told WXII's Veronica White Tuesday that a man, his girlfriend, and the girlfriend's child lived in the home, along with two pit bulls.
Police said they haven't substantiated reports that the animal had a history of aggression. McGee said Thursday those reports were "whack" and added Brealynn was cuddling with the dog the day before the attack.
Pastor David McGee is a spokesman for the family.
Braelynn Coulter

This is the pit bull that killed Braelynn.
The pit bull was euthanized. The Lexus Project was unable to act quickly enough to save this dog.
* * *
Killeen Texas
In the second fatal dog mauling of a child in Bell County Texas in under 15 days, a two year old child was killed, an eight year old child was severely injured and an eighteen year old male was also injured by a bull mastiff that escaped from a garage and attacked the three as they walked home from a local park. The dog first attacked the eight year old, neighbors rushed to help and dragged the dog away. The dog then attacked the two year old
Raymane Camari Robinson who was dragged down the sidewalk until a witness fired shots to scare the dog away. A neighbor who is also a nurse began CPR but she knew the child was in bad shape. The dog was taken back into the home of the owner. Both of the children were transported to Darnell Army Medical Center where the two year old died, the eight year old was listed in serious condition.
This mauling death was ruled an accident.
vigil was held in Raymane's memory on March 8th.
* * *
Paterson New Jersey
Thirteen year old Kenneth Santillan was mauled by a bull mastiff that escaped from the property of its owner. The dog charged two boys walking home from school. The boys separated, one found assistance from neighborhood residents,
the body of the Kenneth was found by a search and rescue team in the woods just before midnight. This was not the first escape by this dog
nor was it the first bite from this dog. The owner of the dog was injured by the dog as well, he was forced to
stab the dog as it attacked him during the time period between the attack and the discovery of the teenager's body in a ravine behind the dog owner's home.

Kenneth Santillan. A memorial service was held 3/6/2014.

Paul Clarke and his bull mastiff Trigger. Trigger was humanely euthanized.
Mr. Clarke has refused to speak with police on the advice of his lawyer.
The Lexus Project was unable to file paperwork in time to save Trigger.
For video please click
* * *
3/14/2014 S
Phoenix Arizona
Nancy Newberry, age 77, died after being attacked by her daughter's neutered pit bull.
Per ABC 15 Newberry’s husband, Dick, says it was dinner time for the dogs Friday night and his wife was trying to give her daughter’s dog an allergy pill.
“All of a sudden Titan just jumped on her, my wife was squatting down, he jumped on her and knocked her back," Newberry said. He says Titan was skittish at times and would sometimes get aggressive around food, but he says the mauling was still a surprise."
This quote comes from
KSAZ Fox 10 "
We're told that the dog had a history of aggression and biting people, but it never attacked anyone inside the home until Friday night. That's when the husband says the dog just snapped and attacked his wife.
Pit bull advocates commenting on this fatality quickly created a scenario where the victim "must have had an infection at the site of her abdominal wound and the dog was apparently trying to save her." You can't make this stuff up.
* * *
Here are some of the comments made by pit bull advocates on articles about these fatal attacks. What made these breed specific advocates think that these remarks were appropriate? Denial is paramount, re-writing of history is common as dirt, fantasy is part of the process. Spelling errors are not corrected, comments are posted as written.
This comment comes from someone delighted to have a fatality caused by a non pit bull dog.
Michelle Houston · Virginia Tech
The fault of this attack lies with the owner and not the dog or the breed. I am so tired of the media only reporting on pit bull attacks and not on the multitude of other dog attacks and bites that happen on a more common basis. This discrimination is why so many of these dogs end up in the hands of abusers and criminal people. The laws against the owners are not harsh enough and the cycle continues. What a shame.
Nurse dogs during the world wars???
Emily Hope Foster · Texas State
So quick to report every story about pit bulls incidents, yet no one ever pays attention to the fact that chihuahuas and dachshunds are responsible more the most dog bites. Pit bulls were bred to be nanny dogs for children and were used as nurse dogs during the world wars. I hate that the media has created this stigma and that so many people are honestly ignorant about the breed. The issue won't get solved until the media stops adding fuel to the fire, the city cracks down on negligent owners, and the public is educated about this breed and the circumstances leading up to/surrounding its bad rep.
Troy feels that I Love Dogs is a legitimate news source.Troy Junior · Follow · Torrance, California
In other news, a pit bull saved his responsible owner's life when she was attacked by a stranger. Too bad the media can't share more positive stories like this one.
Okay and what about the oh so revered German Shepards? or Dobermans? hell ANY dog can be dangerous and unstable. Apparently so can be human mentality to think that someone like you has a right to make an opinion about something. With your thinking and logic I bet we'd ban all creatures that are "hostile" right? I mean after all it only seems right... until you realise it goes with how the world works. Just because YOU dont like something doesnt mean everybody doesnt.
Clay Hundenshire checks in, stay classy Clay! We will hear from him again.
Clay Hundenshire · Top Commenter · Virginia Tech
And Gail is not only a dumb bitch, but she's a fugly jobless bitch as well. She's just another troll without any useful meaning in life. Just feel bad for losers like her.
Clay Hundenshire · Top Commenter · Virginia Tech
Yep, they are more than pathetic. They're a bunch of whiny complainers is all they are. Could you imagine what miserable people they are to have formed a haters club?!
Clay Hundenshire · Top Commenter · Virginia Tech
What is an aggressive breed? No such thing really. Just because someone is a felon, you want to strip their rights to own a certain type of dog? What if that person is a felon because they had an alcohol problem and several DUIs, or they embezzled money, or shop lifted? You are saying no felon should own a dog? Silly
A usually reliable source states that Snowbird04 is actually Clay Hundenshire posting under another name. You will see yet another identity for Hundenshire below, it is a strong rumor that he is also Fast Eddie.
A lot wrong with your statement. You assume that because pit bulls were used for dog fighting for a short period of time, compared to how long they been around, that they are people aggressive by instinct. Not true, as there is a major difference between dog on dog and dog on human aggression. Dobermans, and other attack dogs were bred for human aggression, and are just as powerful. You say nothing compares to a pit bull, yet there are dogs that are much larger and stronger than pit bulls, and can kill a human way faster. Look at the many different types of mastiffs for example. Mastiffs are frequently misidentified as pit bulls, as most people couldn't tell a pit bull from a lab/dalmatian mix or many other breeds and mixes. Pit bulls were designed to assist in hunting and farming, and to hold large animals, while the hunter or farmer could kill or control the animal easier. Please, learn your facts before saying anything, because it is obvious you don't know anything about pit bulls, and obvious you learned myths via hearsay.
Jack Russells do and have killed kids. A pit bull is merely a generic name for a dog nowadays. Anything that is a bully breed is considered a pit bull. Lump a whole bunch of breeds and mutts together to come up which a generic term, and of course the number is higher. Most people are completely ignorant to this fact, yet they are experts on the subject? Please!!!
Jase Troesser · Works at Black Squad Ent.If I can recall right back in the 1800s Pitbulls were actually "NANNY" dogs. They were the dogs that people trusted with their children. NOT bred to fight!! Yes some people do do this with Pits. And thats ONLY because its a proven fact pits have the strongest jaw out of every other breed. Not because its their instinct..............HELLO RETARD every dog has that same instinct, every dog is bred from the wolf....which is a wild animal and its instinct is survival!! THIS IS WITH EVERY DOG!!!
Spoiler alert, CloeyJade is also Mary Bishop Olsen, she supplies a dead link.
Anyone here advocating for BREED SPECIFIC laws targeting pit bull type dogs, please explain to me what your laws would have done for this child the other day. Hmm.. I bet nothing. But she doesnt matter right? Nor do the other 800,000 victims of serious attacks per year. Oooh im soory those facts get in the way so much
For all we know they were starving the dog. I've heard terrible stories about people leaving their animals with "friends." It's an unfortunate situation. I know far more sweet pit bulls than violent. But I also don't hang out with assholes or people who wouldn't be aware that their 2 year old daughter wandered into a backyard with an unfamiliar (to them) dog.
Oh and BTW you must be a very negative person to say something as ugly as " And you will believe this right up UNTIL SHE HURTS OR KILLS SOMEONE AND THEN IT WILL BE YOUR FAULT THAT SOMEONE IS HURT OR KILLED" You need to go speak to a Dr about that negative constitution you have that you automatically see the negative and thrive on it. They can give you meds for it I believe. I hear that negative constitution can lead to high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, not having friends and divorces. Wouldn't want to see something like that happen to such a happy positive person like you.
It's also scary to think that you, yourself are probably able to procreate and add another mis informed reject to society.
Now you call me "special" LMAO I didn't start talking about people killing people. I made a 1 line statement at the very end of the post. Seems to me you are the retard for not knowing the difference in discussing people murdering people and a 1 line statement comparing the FEW numbers of pit bull attacks per year compared to the number of murders per year. Basically was trying to make a point sense you are too retarded to understand what that is. Now again take your insults bend over and cram them up your retarded fat arse F-head! No I take the retarded statments back as that is an insult to my 2 mentally challanged children who seem to have way higher I.Q's then you do as they can understand you can't judge a whole by a few bad ones and know what making point means.
Guest goes on to comment under her own name.
I didn't start saying that until I was called " Daft, Stupid and trash". I am human I got ticked and I lashed out. Was it mature nope never said it was but I am not going to stand by and allow you and your little friend to call me those names either because You two don't like the fact my pit PROVES YOU WRONG..... here is a little more immaturity NANNY NANNY BOOO BOOO COCO PROVES YOU WRONG ON THE BREED :-P
Christopher is a youth sports umpire. He is happy to value dogs over humans.
Really i rather take dogs side first you know why? dogs protect themselves they a natural intact to do it. a child does not know better. its people like you take human over an animal i more than happy to take an animal over a human they don't judge base of people looks sex they go by that person actions
Angel Pitbullmom Yorky · Tug Valley High School
xxxxxxxxx obviously it wouldn't be her child because she is educated on the breed as well as she would know as a parent to keep the child from being around an already aggressive dog. Stop commenting when you know absolutely nothing but what the media portrays. Its wanna be famous people like you that give pits a bad name. FYI the media only posts what draws attention and if this was any other breed killing a child it wouldn't be posted so #givemeabreakwithyourbullshit!
Shouldn't you be going out to try to get on MTV? I know more than you ever will. First thing i know how to be is myself. Hahaha. So like i said go somewhere that you know can relate too aka teen mom forum and stop trying to talk about an animal you know nothing about. Oh and you wanna talk about killers. Thats the human race way before the dogs. Now "Farrah" go have a kid for MTV viewers to support along with your sex tape
How many of u ignorant people have actually owned a pitbull/bully breed that feels they understand the breed. You basically come to your conclusion because of what the media puts out the most. Your argument is moot( little or no particular meaning). Most of you simple minded people are easily swayed into believing everything you hear or read. How many of you actually look up your history on any breed of animal. Its very sad on what has happened to this little girl and my prayers go out to her family but none of you have the right to argue that a pitbull is a dangerous animal...especially when we as humans are killing each other every day.
Matt Hallmon · Follow · United States Marine Corps
xxxxxxxx - Way to be ignorant! People like you are why this country is going to hell. Educate yourself before opening your mouth. If you actually knew anything about the breed, Pit bulls are the least likely to attack a human. Proven fact! However, the majority of reported dog bites are reported as a Pit bull attacks regardless of the actual breed. Another issue is that the majority of bites are never reported. The Pit bull breed is NOT a killer breed. Ignorant people like you turn dogs of ALL breeds into aggressive beast because your just all stupid... plain and simple. No other way around it... educate yourself your not worth anymore of my time!
Sheila Medenwald
How do we know the dog didnt getbits tail pulled, pinched ect and he finally snapped. Were talking about s toddler here. They are known for being ruff to pets.
Irene Miller Parker · Manager at Hi-Lites
No dog attacks unless they're trained to do so. So very sad that this little girl last her life because of her parents negligence and desire to have a vicious dog.
Rneee's bulldog is "extremely gentle" but when she took him to obedience class he attacked the other dogs in the class???
Even a chihuahua can be vicious when provoked. Was the visiting pit bull in the same yard with their pit bull? Jealousy could have played a part in it. We own 2 dogs that play well together but if we pay more attention to one over the other, our smaller dog (Corgi/Jack Russell terrier) will growl and snap at our larger dog (Olde English Bulldogge) Our bulldog is extremely gentle but when we took him to obedience classes, he attacked the other dogs in the class. You never know what will set any animal off. My deepest sympathies to the family of the little girl.
Well I once was a Dayton native and have seen that the ones who train there pits or mixes to be vicous are the ones that are the people that are involved in illegal activities and are to be held responsible for there ations .I have a 90 ponud pit and he is the most caring and loving dog a person could ask for the law needs to be if you are convicted of illegal action you should not be aloud to own such a breed to inflict pain on the other face it people its the people not the breed and I can prove it if you broke into my house my pit will help you carry the stuff out but I will prob blow your head off before you get that far..........STAND UP FOR THE BREED AND HATE THE OWNERS
Richard's dog changes breed, its magic!
Same old story and no action you said it better than all look up most of the dogs that have been vicous they have been owned by thugs and drug dealers that don't care if the dog mauls somebody because all they care about is that money I have a Stafford shire bull terrier that weighs 90 ponds and he will not even hurt a fly but I think the law should be if you are convicted of drugs or corrupt activities you should not be aloud to own one because they want them for one thing.........HATE THE OWNER NOT THE BREED
Now Richard's dog is both...
Richard Rife Lori • a month ago
See lori if everyone thought this way this would not of happened but if he has a criminal background in drugs of course you want a vicous dog but I have a 90 pound Stafford shire pit and he will help you carry the stuff out the house if you broke in but that's the way I trained him not to harm nothing but something needs to be done about these thugs that deal drugs and think oh well I will just get a pit and train him to be mean well anyone with a criminal background should not be aloud to own a breed as such because they teach them one way to bit anybody and PEOPLE STOP HATING THE BREAD AND LOOK AT THE PEOPLE...SMH
@xxxxxxxx: You do not live in Ohio and this is none of your business. Plus, with you spouting off with all of the same old DBO garbage, it doesn't make you look educated. It only makes you look foolish.
Well said my friend, well said. Too often, IDIOTS blame Pit Bulls for things they had NOTHING to do with. All I see in this commentary is a bunch of dumb asses, wanting Pit Bulls banned and taken away. I WISH these morons would come and try to take my dogs. Notice, I said TRY. I LOVE Pit Bulls, and WILL support them and love them until I die. IDIOT does not properly describe the people in these comments, what I would call them cannot be printed here. You show me a Pit Bull, I'll show you the most loyal, loving companion dog there is. For all of you morons bashing Pit Bulls, go get an education, read up on them, and STOP BASHING PIT BULLS. Bunch of stupid fu#@*s!
DanSimpson • a month ago
Oh please, you make me sick with you asinine comment. You just need to get rid of your computer so you won't be able to post the tripe you make up. Leave people alone that support Pit Bulls, and besides, THEY WERE NOT PIT BULLS!!! You people that continue to bash Pit Bulls are the dumbest people I have ever heard of. You Know NOTHING about the breed, and are too stupid to read the facts. You however, LOVE to twist and distort a story into what you want to read, and that is a disgrace. You are a disgrace. NOBODY planned a pre-meditated murder. You have been watching too much tv, and you are in dire need of psychiatric help.
More from Dan...
DanSimpson • a month ago
The amount of stupidity coming out of your brain is SICKENING. YOU MAKE ME SICK, you pathetic excuse of a human being. What is I have 2 Pit Bulls, are you gonna say I use them for intimidation and spousal abuse? Come to my house and see for yourself, you IDIOT!! My dogs will lick you to death they are so loving and kind. AND Pit Bulls DO NOT just one day turn on you. It is every bit how they are raised and treated, so you misinformed IDIOTS need to read up on what you know NOTHING about. Some of you people are really stupid, and it's a sad thing that most of these comments keep referring to the dogs as Pit Bulls. They were not. It makes me sick that the news media is allowed to twist facts and make up lies to sell a story.
Dan is on a roll, God help us.. it was the victims's fault and the dogs should be replaced???
You IDIOT. He DID NOT train those dogs to attack. This woman perpetrated a continuing harrassment against him, and also against her other neighbor. She is shown in the video, AFTER the judge told her to leave the building, she CONTINUES to verbally abuse the man, and make asinine comments to him. I feel that all of the morons here calling for the guy to go to prison should themselves be locked up for stupidity. I have 2 dogs also, and I DARE any of you idiots to come to my house and try to take my dogs, or hurt them.
The fact that the cops shot the dogs was a horrible action by them and quite frankly, a CHICKENSH>>T manuever. The dogs attacked her because she taunted them, and she should not have been walking down her driveway with just a coat on, and no undergarments on. That is strange by any account. The woman caused her own death by being a continuing harassment to her neighbors, and she complained about and made calls about ALL minor incidents, and frivolous claims. I do not believe anything the news media puts out, because they WILL and HAVE twisted stories to make for bigger news many times. What I would say to the morons calling for his arrest, cannot be printed here, but I will GLADLY tell you my feelings in person.
His dogs should be replaced, and a story put out that the moral of this story is that neighbors should keep their moth shut about things they do not like about their other neighbors, or MOVE. Richie was a constant thorn in everyone's side, complaining about everything, & a doctor's report on her supposed weight loss because of fear of threats was a waste of time. A total waste of time. What did that have to do with the case???? NOTHING. Mowing down flowers in your own yard is a crime???? Come on. I mowed down some flowers in my back yard, do you want me to be served with a petition???
This minor stuff she bitched about CONSTANTLY was a clear indication she was herself a thorn in everyone's side. Ask the people that knew her, she bitched CONSTANTLY about anything and everything!!! She was the nuisance, NOT her neighbors. And while her death was tragic, it shows one thing loud and clear....DO NOT CONTINUE TO THREATEN YOUR NEIGHBORS WITH BEING LOCKED UP AND THEIR DOGS KILLED. Someone might take it a little too serious, and bad things happen.
Dont you dare come around here and point fingers at me and ASSUME I am this or that when you have no idea who I am or what my lifestyle is.... You dont know me.. And you sure a F^*# dont know my dog or what it has been through.. If it were meant to harm then it would have harmed the man that killed my fiance's entire family with a shot gun when the man entered my fiance's familys' home..
It's not a good idea to be open-minded in Austin anymore: too many dumbass California money-loving-right-wingers. Here's a thought experiment though: what if the kid was to grow up and become a chid-rapist and the dog would eventually save a child from a child-rapist? Dangerous question indeed but only because it requires thinking and reevaluating ideas.
Hey, dumb-ass, they are NOT pit bull mixes, they are mastiff mixes. Get your facts straight before commenting. Pit bulls are blamed for too much as it is, they don't need you to add to their bad PR. Pit bulls are not monsters! They are not "inherently dangerous". You are just another ignoramus who knows nothing about pit bulls. Idiot
bboop Jonas • a month ago
Week after week people die from cigarette smoking. How about you worry about that before you point a finger at an abused dog.
myoleman • a month ago
not the breeds fault its the peoples fault. pitbulls are amazing dogs if trained properly. they said they had issues with the dog before well thats when they should have taken care of the dog. all dogs have the potential of biting not just pitbulls! you need to become educated. THE OWNERS FAULT NOT THE DOG. PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE WITH GUNS NOT THE GUNS FAULT SAME THEORY WITH PITBULLS THE DOG OBVIOUSLY WAS NEVER TRAINED OR HANDLED PROPERLY
Kamrie Slate · Phoenix, Arizona
You failed to read the article. The dog was a mixed breed. But because all you weirdos get off on killing pit bulls, that's all you see. Plus the news and media use your hatred against you, writing about "pit bulls" knowing it gets people fired up. Use what little brain you have please.
Lexis AndJohn Lopez · Works at OpenTech Alliance, Inc.
Find a list of other breeds of dogs that bite to. Just chihuahahs alone be more then any other breed and they are family pets and chow chows are the most aggressive breed. Yes there are some breed of pitt bulls that have bad blood but every dog does. The only reason that there making this a big deal is because of POOR MICKY. I have three pitbulls around 3 children and I always will have pitbull my smaller dogs have bit more then my pits. People need to be educated and stop targeting a specific breed of dogs. PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE EVERYDAY AND DO WE KILL THE MURDERS OR THE PEOPLE THAT HURT KIDS NO WE DONT
Jean Bachand-Suttle · Follow · Works at Freelance Artist · 135 subscribers
I'll bet the owner had not trained the dog well. Many dogs are protective of their food and not just pitbulls. If this was human story people would say it is racist.
Frieda Ellen Fisher · University of Houston
Probably her own fault.
Elisabeth Jackson · Central High School
it's really sad how people just report that pitpulls are so terrible, so awful. Yes it's sad this women died but it all depends on who raises them!!!!! I have a pitbull and he is the sweetest thing in the world! He would never hurt a sole! We have 2 lap dogs and they love each other! STOP POSTING ABOUT "PITBULLS" it's so sad how you talk crap about them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They can't defend themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Michelle Lato · Arizona
From my experiences in rescue, it is truly about the way these dogs are raised. I have been bitten by countless chihuahuas. It doesn't matter the breed, it matters how they were brought up. Saying all pitbulls are vicious is no different than saying all Jews (I'm Jewish) are snobby stuck up people. Take it dog by dog and don't group them together. It's no different than profiling a race, gender, or religion. You wouldn't want to be grouped with someone of your gender or race that committed a terrible act because you didn't commit that act yourself. Dogs shouldn't suffer through that either.
Laura Truax · Works at PADI
The headline says a pit bull but what this dog was it's a pit lab mix. It makes me mad how they use the breed to grab the attention of the readers and in turn causes more fear and hate towards a breed that really doesn't deserve it. An dog can be aggressive with owners that don't work with it. I'm so sick of people hating a certain religion, race or in this case a breed.
Food and dogs... I feed my dogs seperate, if I don't my chihuahua will attack my Pitt bulls face.
Bianca DePina · Avondale, Arizona
Not right for news use pitbull just could have said dog all dogs can bite not just pitbulls
anybody else see that it's a pitbull Labrador mix? Because I believe labs also bite their owners labs also have tendencies to guard over there food labs also have issues around other dogs you have a MIX you have a mutt in the house don't go sit there and blame the pitbull for something that was not pure pit not your lab was just a really crappy situation that I hope and pray to God nobody else ever has to go through but unfortunately it does. I feel horrible for the woman and her family...and I'm also terribly sad for the utilization of this animal. We are so quick to kill an animal for hurting you human why don't we do the same thing to humans? Oh that's right humans have souls? Lol that's right dogs are just animalswithout feelings or emotions. Isn't that also the definition of a sociopath? And yet they sit in jail cells after murdering people because its not humane to kill another human being taken away right? Alright time for me to shut up
Heidi Richmond · Works at The Hub Grill and Bar
Ted Bundy was a human. He was evil and killed, so does that mean all humans are evil and will kill? Are all humans dangerous enough where we should stop breeding? Think about the gravity of what you are saying. Generalizations can be dangerous...
Robby O'Connell · Keller Graduate School of Management
She probably provoked the pitbull in someway I think its funny this only happens in AZ no problems seem to happen in any other state
A usually reliable source states that "Fast Eddie" is actually our old friend Clay Hundenshire.
Fast Eddie · Top Commenter
Angela Coton They have no factual info backed by canine professionals. All they have is opinion based info.
Fast Eddie · Top Commenter
Every breed is a "different breed"
Fast Eddie · Top Commenter
Very tragic but rare and isolated incident considering there have already been roughly 900,000 dog bites this year and over 90,000 of them required emergency room care... Again the FACT of the matter is that pit bulls make up less than 1% of total dog bites in the US and less than .01% of pit bulls in the US have ever or will ever bite a person.. Trying to instill an unwarranted fear into people lack logic and common sense. There simply is NO Pit Bull attack epidemic in the US or any place else in the world. South Dakota just became the 17th state to OUTLAW BSL in the US 2 days ago and 5 other states should outlaw BSL by the end of 2014. Funny we see the same 10 "usual haters" here posting inf that is completely inaccurate info to try and further their "failing" agenda of bias and hatred for a family pet. We also see haters here that have fabricated their own "pit bull attacks" with absolutely no proof. Again these pit bull haters and BSL apologists are becoming more vile by the day sine their case is all but lost in the United State and the FACT that legislators are looking at Canine Expert info, valid and factual information and using common sense and logic to abolish archaic, unwarranted and ineffective Breed Specific laws.
Fast Eddie · Top Commenter
Kris King Your info is inaccurate and invalid and you have no valid source to back up the info (ie the CDC)
You also fail to mention that pit bull adoptions are up by over 100,000 per year for the last 4 years. You also fail to mention that less than 1% of pit bulls in the US have ever or will ever harm a person.
So lest look at how illogical your statement and thought process is shall we...
Lets kill all teenagers because less than 1% of them commit a crime.
Lets ban all guns because less 1% of gun owners will shoot or murder someone.
Lets ban all cars because less than 1% of them drive drunk and kill someone.
Again the ignorance of your thought process and the lack of factual information that you people have astounds me
Clay/Fast Eddie does not acknowledge the fact that the NCRC is owned by extreme pit bull advocacy and exists to deny responsibility.
Fast Eddie · Top Commenter
Actually these stats are inaccurate, the National Canine Research Council with have the Factual report out soon :-)
Fast Eddie · Top Commenter
xxxxxxxxx Keep on hitting the bottle PJ
Tammy Parsons · Farmer at Royal Story
OMFG where have i ever STATED that I'm special or any better than anyone else you simple mined person. You need to look up what mauled means and that what bite means. The poor lady was just bitten once not MAULED. All i was saying is that she might have had an underlying condition with her post operation site and the dog was just trying to tell her and because she was on blood thinning tablets it just made thing all that more worse. All i am trying to say is have an open mind until the report comes in instead of blaming the breed firstly all the time.
Tammy Parsons · Farmer at Royal Story
xxxxxLMFAO your a great comedian and you can read the dictionary it is all because of people like you that the world is the way it is now F***** it really is
Christine Habinger-Lyman · Top Commenter
xxxxx you don't live in the valley so you have no idea how many people own and love this breed here and never have a problem. My husband does service work and goes into a home with a pit bull at least a couple of times a week. So I don't have to convince anyone what kind of dog they want to have. So keep believing what you want. In fact since 2006-2012 the latest ,165 people have drowned in pools. That not counting all the near drownings either. Or the parents murdering their kids, leaving them in hot cars. There are bigger problems than dogs.
Repeat....THERE WERE 4 BOXERS and 1 SHEPHERD mix involved in the incident.
BLAME THE DEED NOT THE BREED! Boxers will be next on the BSL list. Why not ban ALL breeds....Blaming a voiceless animal is much easier to do that than to admit our accountability. We make a commitment when we take these animals into our homes and lives. Time, energy, and a calm and assertive attitude as the pack leader may have helped avoid this tragedy.