Wednesday, August 7, 2013

"Racism" or insanity?

"Racism" is a charge frequently made by breed specific advocates.  I will let my friend at 17 Barks give you his thoughts on this common defense for violent dogs.  Here is his premise "If we have deliberately bred lines of dogs for centuries to produce breed-specific characteristics, why is it somehow "racist" to note the existence of these very breed specific characteristics which we've deliberately produced? "  The blogger adds  "It's absurd to pretend that breed specific characteristics which were deliberately created by humans don't exist. And to call those who recognize these breed specific characteristics "racist" reveals a profound ignorance on the part of the accuser."
Read the entire post here.

If you have read any of the Death and Excuses posts you are familiar with the outrageous comments made by pit bull owners on news stories covering fatal maulings.  The comments that I am going to feature here were made recently on non fatal attack stories.  I am going to use actual comments made by one individual on actual news stories, these are public forums.  This pit bull owner appears to take great pride in his comments.  The account is roughly two weeks old but interestingly, this individual has now locked down his comments with a privacy setting.  Too late.  He falls back on the "racist" claim a great deal.  The comments reflect lack of self awareness, lack of empathy, and lack of conscience.  I am not going to attempt to put these into any logical order, there is no logic to the man's thoughts.  I do not correct spelling errors.

These comments were made on an article about a pit bull attack that killed two dogs in Baltimore.  We will start out with one of the most outrageous comments ever made by a pit bull owner.
  • Dean Smith  2 days ago
    All the posters that had children that were victims of a dog, it sounds like the dog just knew that you shouldn't be reproducing and was trying to help you out.

    Dean freely uses the "I work with hundreds of these dogs" to establish his superior knowledge.  This phrase is commonly found in comments made by pit bull advocates.  One would think that with all this "expert" handling that the pit bull problem would be solved, but not so much.  Note the incredible depth of Dean's racism.
    • Dean Smith  2 days ago
      I understand by your experience and why I would be hard not to be mad at a dog, however what your saying is that blacks shouldn't breed with other blacks because it's in their genes to cause crime and this makes them worse. Your making my point in your second paragraph that yes they are strong and that's why they are used for fighting. No a poodle couldn't be substituted because they aren't strong enough. Just because something is strong does not make it a threat. Just because all poodles are skinny doesn't mean some aren't mean. Sorry to say but your whole 30 dog attacks a year is beyond extremely minute. Not to say it doesn't matter, but the real problem is happening in our cities when these worthless thugs breed them and act irresponsibly with them. None the less, even all of their dogs won't fight which is why they turn them into bait dogs, meaning the dog that they teach other ones to rip apart. If you are really worried about the children why don't you go bother the cigarette companies or car companies because hundreds of thousands of children die from those two things. Animals all have individual personalities just like people which is why it is wrong for me to see a large black man and form an opinion that he is a danger to society just because another different large black guy just raped and murdered some women would be obviously wrong. I work with hundreds of these dogs all the time and the majority of them are people pleasers and super sweet. My kids have been around my two male pits for 8 years now and I would put up my dogs submissive/non aggressive level to any dog you can find.

      More from Dean.  What is he thinking here?  Why did he think these comments needed to be made?

      • Dean Smith  3 days ago
        Why don't night clubs use small skinny little guys as bouncers? Does that mean all big black guys are inherently dangerous or is it just because their size makes it better to break up a fight? So now every muscle bound person in the gym should be put down because they are strong??? So your also saying black people commit crimes because they are broken down easier and it's inherit in their blood? It's obvious that the amount of education you need is more than I have time to give but the good thing is there are many many more of people like me than there are racists like you. When all you do is judge an appearance and not actions that is definition racism.and just plain wrong. These animals are born this way and have no control over what they look like. I bet you think because of Paris Hilton, all blondes must be dumb. Please grow a brain and get some actual experience with something before your formulate an opinion based off being scared by the media. Dog just like people all have individual personalities and what they look like has nothing to do with how they act.

        Threats of violence?  Here you are, courtesy of Dean.

        • Dean Smith  5 days ago
          I would prefer you gutted like the racist pig you are but the law doesn't allow that. Too bad.

          Here is the man accusing anyone that finds fault with his reasoning a racist.  Is he unable to read what he is saying?  No comprehension?

          • Dean Smith  5 days ago
            Where did this happen? Baltimore. Who is causing this problem? Ghetto trash breeding these dogs for money. So they make these dogs into monsters and then just let them run around the cities and hurt other animals and people. Very sad for the lady and her dog.
            This however is a ghetto trash problem. Our cities have a problem, and it's not the dogs fault, it's the owners fault. They need to start taking the breeding and fighting seriously and you wouldn't have these wild things running around doing this kind of stuff.

            This comment comes from yet another pit bull attack article.  A threat of violence against Law Enforcement, bonus points!  
      • These cops obviously didn't care about the life of the animal. It's hard to say because it's a judgement call on the spot. They LE is just shooting first and asking questions later they should be held responsible. I would be demonstrating my 2nd amendment right and shooting some LE if they came in my house to shoot my dog.

      These comments come from an article on Breed Specific ordinances.  Dean gives a great deal of personal information here. Dean appears to believe that young pit bull owners are happy to purchase a renter's insurance policy that will cover pit bulls and also admits that he sells insurance, later on we find out that Dean's employer does not sell insurance to pit bull owners. Actuarial risk appears to be a foreign concept to Dean and he makes the astonishing claim that nobody is judgement proof.  Can anyone explain why there are so many community fundraisers for pit bull victims if all pit bull owners are able to pay for medical bills?  Dean appears to be unable to see the conflict between his concern that laws regulating pit bulls are "racist" and his actual racist statements.  Given the details that Dean is happy to share one would think that he might be easily identifiable to his employer.  These rants might be considered a hindrance to any thoughts of promotion, or even continued employment.  But who am I to say?

      • Dean Smith  3 days ago
        Yes you are partially correct, and thank you but i've been a licensed agent for 10 years now. Liability can be covered not only on a homeowners policy, but a renters policy, or a condo policy, so basically anyone old enough to own a dog is probably old enough to live on their own even if only renting. I agree there are only a few companies that will even write a policy if you have certain breeds because exclusions don't hold up in court when it comes down to a dog bite. However, if you get the dog after you already have a policy in place your dog is covered even if the company would have not written the policy if you had it from the start. The liability with most companies is not an exclusion, it's an guideline as to what can be written. Beside the fact of everything I just told you, if you had a dog that is on an insurance companies list, and you are a responsible owner, like the majority is, there are companies that will cover you. State Farm being one of them and State Farm writes in just about every state in the U.S. They will cover a dog no matter breed as long as it has no bite history. So your responsible owners are going to have coverage. Also, there is no such thing as "judgement proof". If insurance isn't covering it, that doesn't stop the owner from being liable and can be sued personally sill. This looks like the gun debate issue. The criminals are the ones causing the carnage and how do you regulate criminals. The ghetto trash in the inner cities breeding these dogs for fighting and money are the majority of the problem and how do you regulate people like that? How do you ever get anything out of the lowlifes in our society is the million dollar question but those lowlifes don't represent the majority of owners, or the majority of a breed. I'm constantly trying to work on getting insurance companies to stop being racist but the reason they do it is because of the amount of damage larger dogs cause and because they can get away with it as a guideline, where if they didn't allow any dogs or any big dogs or dogs like black labs, which can cause enormous damage if has the wrong attitude there would be a larger uproar. Most people aren't willing to go through all the hoops to stick up for these dogs but once you've met so many that have been trashed by humans and yet they are still 100 percent loving, we will do whatever we have to do to protect them. In the end even if a larger number of them have hurt people than other breeds, it's still not the majority. In the end racism is wrong. The shelter I work for puts dogs down only if their personality is not adoptable but the majority is not that way and need homes but that is so hard to do when people are scared off by the the media like the media has done with sharks and the jaws movie. People just kill off what hey are scared of, even if they really are just over reacting.

        Dean goes on... we will see that Dean just can't stay away from the term "racist" but is wildly unaware of his revealing racist statements.
      • Dean Smith  2 days ago
        Nice try. You will really feel better once you admit to yourself your racist ways. I have no problem putting down the dogs that show a personality that won't work in society, no matter what breed they are, but you are talking about exterminating the whole breed because you are scared of the couple that bite. When you group something together by their race, appearance that they were born with, etc.. again what do you call that? Text book racist. I don't disagree with the fact that these inner city pieces of trash are breeding these dogs out of control to make up for their smallpenissyndrom and then not taking care of these dogs and giving them a bad name. I say crack down on the breeders 100 percent but that doesn't mean take out your fear on innocent dogs. There are a lot of dogs put down for lack of space, not because of personality an that is wrong as well but until we attack the source which is the breeders that are fighting these dogs and selling them for income we will never stop the overflow and irresponsible practices. The shelter I volunteer at puts dogs down if they are unadoptable, being they aren't taking to training, and pose a risk, however most are not this case and turn into great family members. Until you can show how judging the whole group based on the actions of few isn't racism, i'm done wasting my time trying to conversate with someone that can't see through their own blindness. You can't disagree with a definition that is in black and white just because you don't want to admit that you are one by that definition. Either own up and rethink the way your looking at things or I guess we agree to disagree. Again i'm not worried because most people get it and it's not going to stop me from protecting the innocent dogs that can't speak for themselves

        Dean goes on... he has no problem with the numbers of dead and/or disabled victims of pit bulls because he feels that he holds some moral high ground by "protecting innocent dogs that can't speak for themselves."  
        • Dean Smith  2 days ago
          No problem racist. Until you can actually combat anything I say rather than trying to ignore it I can deal with the 20 victims per year changing their mind. We are still hundreds of thousands strong.
          • Dean Smith  2 days ago
            So what do you call judging a group of similar appearance by the way they were born to look, by the actions of a couple in that group? Call it what you want. You're a racist when something is born to look a certain way and that's what you judge it by. So the couple cases you have and there are hundreds of thousands of pit bull owners out there not causing problems. Your numbers are insignificant. We don't live in a world were we can stop .0000001 percent of unfortunate situations. I didn't say that guns are a bigger issue, I said guns are a similar issue. Again such small numbers coming from the general gun owner yet the media wants to make something of if. So what you are saying is ALL black people need to be eradicated because a small percentage of them cause more crime than any other race. Your also saying that because Paris Hilton is blonde and portrayed in the media as dumb, that all blondes are dumb and should be stopped from talking. The difference between you and I is i'm not scared and trying to destroy a whole group as a result of a bad experience. I have been bit by 3 dogs, all different breeds. One being a pit, one being a black lab, and one being a shepard. I don't judge the whole by my singular experiences as I have worked with hundreds of rescue dogs from our inner city and have met many many more extraordinary dogs than dangerous. And 80% of our dogs are pits. None the less, there are many more owners like me that will protect these animals till the death from the couple ignorant people that are out there. That is a fact no matter what tiny number you are trying to make a mountain out of.
            • Dean Smith  3 days ago
              I understand what your saying but still disagree on many of your points. First of all, responsible owners buy insurance no matter what monies they have to lose and there are more responsible owners than there are irresponsible. Making a statement like "most pit bull owners don't carry insurance" is just nonsense and has no factual basis, especially being in the industry and these people come to me when they want insurance and decide to go to State Farm when I can't write it. I get the point that when victims are injured and not compensated it is wrong but a whole 16 cases??? How many million pit bull owners do you think are out there??? Not that the people that are injured are insignificant but there are very few things in this world that are this small of a statistic. This again goes back to a debate similar to firearms. Of the millions of owners, you have a school shot up, or a movie theater, and yet these people don't represent the large majority. If your worried about high statistics killing someone, you better start with cars since people die every minute and are uncompensated by uninsured and underinsured drivers. And yes it is racism when you judge something by it's appearance and not by it's actions. As much as I understand your issues it is easy to see it's wrong what is being done to the majority of these dogs and lucky for them there are more people like me than there are of you. My two are the same as my kids, and the many like me will never let racists that have no actual experience with these incredible creatures, destroy them out of their own ignorant fear. If you really believe the news just reports the news you need a lot more education than I can teach you and won't bother wasting my breath anymore.

        These remarks were made on a story about at three year old child attacked by a pit bull.  Note the continues use of the "racist" argument.   
        • Dean Smith  3 days ago
          Where are your picket signs for parents smoking and kids inhaling 2nd hand smoke.  I promise you the statistics on kids dying are much much higher.  Textbook hypocrite. 
        • Dean Smith  3 days ago
          Thank you for showing us how you have formed your opinion.  Maybe you should look up the definition of a racist.

          Here is a comment on the shooting of a pit bull by police.  
          • Dean Smith  3 days ago
            You are pretty pathetic.  I know plenty of these dogs with obviously more brains and compassion than you.  When are we going to start putting people down?

            Here is more from Dean...
            • Dean Smith  8 days ago
              Maybe if there wasn't the ghetto trash breeding them to make money and fighting them to make up for their lack of penis size the SPCA wouldn't have to put down so many. We need to attack the root of the problem.
            • Dean Smith  8 days ago
              More and more children are killed by black ghetto thugs and yet to look at someone's skin color and decide to put all thugs down because of how they look rather than their actions would be obviously wrong, yet simple minded folk like you don't seem to get that. This is just a animal form of racism.

              Again Dean returns to threats of violence.
            • Dean Smith  8 days ago
              One day there is going to be a new kind of mass shooting to report. People who mistreat this breed weather thru fighting or any other form are going to see the business end of an AR-15. I would love to find one of these fights and show Mr. Biden why someone needs 100 rounds.

              Dean is just the latest of rabid pit bull advocates, how do people get this crazy?  Show of hands here, home many people think these comments show pit bull ownership in a positive light?  Elected officials fall all over themselves to cater to THIS?