Montgomery County
Dayton police answered a call regarding a loose dog. A 49 year old man reported that he was leaving his home via the front door when he was attacked by a brown pit bull. The victim was taken to Grandview Hospital with a three inch laceration to his buttock. At roughly the same time a couple living nearby stated they heard a commotion in their yard and looked out to see the lifeless body of a stray cat they care for in the pit bull's mouth. Police located neighborhood resident Glennee Cole who stated that the pit bull, named Sosa, belongs to her boyfriend but she harbors the dog at her home. Per WHIO " Cole was issued a citation for dog running at large and failing to license a dog in a timely manner. She was also given a summons to appear in court for Sosa biting a person and failing to confine a dangerous dog.
Will Dog Warden Mark Kumpf follow through on a dangerous dog designation?
There is a moral to this story, never harbor someone else's pit bull. No good can come of it.

Montgomery County
A three year old boy was bitten in the face by a pit bull as he was visiting the home of a family friend. The child was taken to Dayton Children's Hospital for emergency treatment. The pit bull was removed from the residence by an investigator with the Montgomery County Animal Resource Center.
It was reported that the child had been walking through the house swinging a piece of a trash bag when the pit bull attacked the boy's face. The boy's grandfather, Michael Carrico, told a reporter "The dog just grabbed him by the face and shook him like it wanted to kill him. It was all I could do to get this dog off my grandson." Carrico said the dog ripped apart the child's face. "His top lip has been ripped off. Now we have to go and help my grandson heal.

Will Mark Kumpf designate this pit bull as dangerous?
For video please click here.
Additional news on the attack reveals that this is not the first pit bull attack in the little victim's family. Grandfather Michael Carrico reported that another son was attacked by a pit bull a few years ago and was treated at the very same hospital. This was a flashback for this family. Mr. Carrico reported that he had also been attacked by a pit bull. Dayton is pit bull hell and county dog warden Mark Kumpf is completely ineffective in his response to the threat to the safety of the public.

Trent after emergency surgery.
This is a very recent photograph of the victim after reconstructive surgery. This three year old will be forced to retain the tubes for six MONTHS.

Normal people are horrified by the injuries to this innocent child, and to the continuing pit bull problems of his family. How long will the Montgomery County commissioners put up this?
* * *
Warren Ohio
Trumbull County
An eight year old boy was bitten in the face, shoulder and neck by the family's American Bulldog. The victim was taken to Akron Children's Hospital.
A little background on American Bulldogs, American Bulldogs, formerly known as American Pit Bulldogs, are a breed featuring two types, the Johnson type and the Scott type. The breed began with an effort by a small group of rural southern men to recreate a type of dog commonly found in the rural south but out of favor at that time, the 1940s. Each man bred to his own standard and vision, with random dogs found during their travels, or traded with others in the group. These dogs began to be registered decades later.
An interview with John D. Johnson is found on the American Bulldog Association website. John Johnson (Johnson type)stated that the American Pit Bull Terrier is a derivative of the American Bulldog.
"Dr. J.: "Did you ever add American Pit Bull Terrier to increase gameness?" John D.: "No. The American Pit Bull Terrier got its gameness in the first place from the American Bulldog."
Not so much, the timing is off for this claim. Pit bulls had been bred, and fought, in the United States for a long time before creation of the American Pit Bulldog breed but they did come from the same foundation stock.
A bit more discussion on the breeds used as the basis for the American Bulldog.
"John D.: I helped Alan Scott get started back in the mid 60's. I gave him two fine female bulldogs and expected some money in return when he started selling puppies. I never did receive any, however. I do know that Alan Scott bought many dogs from around the area and into Alabama that to me were of questionable lineage. He did have one fine dog, Mack the Masher, which I did breed to. Many of the dogs he bought had cropped ears and looked like they had a lot of American Pit Bull Terrier in them. "
A bit more from the same interview
"Dr. J.: "Did you know Joe Painter?" John D.: "Yes, I knew Joe Painter and I knew that he did buy Allen Scott's dogs. Joe Painter was a dog fighter and raised and fought American Pit Bull Terriers. I know that he did have some trouble with the law but do not know the circumstances of this.
" Dr. J.: "Did Joe Painter ever cross his American Bulldogs with his American Pit Bull Terriers?" John D.: "Joe Painter told me that he never crossed them, however his neighbor said he did."
There is an interview with Alan Scott (Scott type) on the same website, interesting reading on bloodlines, rivalries, and old grudges, dog men talking about each other like dogs.
In the early days of the American Pit Bulldog, pedigree was a casual thing. Here is what Alan Scott had to say about it
" A.S. - "We started to register them after they were approved. We tried to trace back the genealogy as best as we could. And it seemed like it was along about 1973 before I registered any dogs. I think these are the oldest papers and they are the original ones I registered in 1973. But when we got back as far as we could get on a lot of these old dogs. Then the only thing I knew to do was to put like that dog's name down, and start with what we used to call a cold pedigree; a single register or a cold pedigree. So they were wanting (the NKC) a background. I called John D. and said 'Look we need to go ahead and get some of this paperwork sent in, that's the only way I know to do it.' And he said, 'Well come over here on Saturday'. So I did. When I got over there we went in and sat at his kitchen table and he said 'Here's what I've got for a pedigree on Tiny,' which was Dick the Bruiser, and he had a filled out pedigree. It had Johnson's this, this, this and this. He said here's some old.... They weren't real pedigrees but they were made out like real pedigrees. They didn't have English Bulldog pedigrees or American Bulldog pedigrees or anything like that. They were made up like genealogy pedigrees. This one sired this and all that. So he said 'what we can do is use the names of some old dogs that I had years ago in the 1940's. They're all dead and gone and in a few years it won't make any difference anyway.' " C.C. - "So John D. Johnson didn't make any distinction between an English Bulldog and an American Bulldog?" A.S. - "Apparently he didn't because I didn't know they (fabricated pedigrees) were English (Bulldogs) either until later years. I just thought they were some that he had wrote down. We didn't do it to hurt anybody. And we didn't do it to make money with them. God knows that we weren't getting but $125.00 a piece for puppies. The reason we did that was to get their registration started and as the generations went on, that would fade out. It didn't make any difference. When you get back to 7th and 8th and 9th generations, hell, it doesn't matter what's back there, no way. But that's where those names came from."
Scott liked his dogs game, sometimes they proved to be dead game. This did not change his practices.
"A.S. - "Every dog was tested just like he (JDJ) said in his interview. Every dog was tested as game as we could prove them up to dead game without killing one and occasionally we did kill one. A hog would kill him or a cow would stomp his guts out or something like that, or fall on him. I've had dogs cut down and lay there with the fight going on and be scratching to get to them. And I know other men have done the same thing. But I've had my dogs do that. But where John D. says that they were all tested, sure they were tested. But he wasn't able to do it, so I did it. I'd catch cows, hogs, it didn't matter. What we caught was what everybody else culled."
The American Bulldog history is a confusing one. I forwarded my remarks here to a knowledgeable friend and the response clarifies points I did not make clear. Thank you!
". bulldogs predate american pit bull terriers. They were the bull baiting dogs brought from England BUT at the time they were just called bulldogs, not american bulldogs. I have looked in news archives and old dog fancy magazines online. I can find no references to “american bulldog” in the early 20th century. (except for a pistol called “american bulldog”).
But I digress yet again.
* * *
Kent State University
Kent Ohio
Portage County
In the past Kent State University banned pets in the dorms, sensible policy. Students are at the college to get an education, their parents are paying a LOT of money for this education, distractions are not a good thing. This will be changing very soon. In the new world any animal can be given the title of "emotional support animal" and will be approved for dorm occupancy. Dogs, cats, ferrets, ponies, monkeys, all will be accepted. This policy change is part of a settlement in a civil rights lawsuit brought by the U.S. Justice Department claiming that the school discriminated against students with psychological disabilities.
Per the Washington Post " The university would pay $100,000 to two former students who were not allowed to keep a dog in their university-owned apartment, $30,000 to a fair-housing organization that advocated for the students, and $15,000 to the U.S., if the settlement is approved in district court."
Click here for a link to the story on the Washington Post and you can read the court's decision. Please note that on page 5 of that decision the court orders employees of the University to attend in-person training on the disability discrimination provisions of the Fair Housing Act.
On page 3 we find that while university employees MUST receive training on the provisions of the Fair Housing act BUT in Attachment A, page 2 we find that "An assistance animal does not necessarily need to be trained, and is not limited to any specific type of animal." Employees must be trained but animals kept in the dorms do not require training? What ??
On page 8 we find that the school has been ordered to keep records of the names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of those requesting accommodation for a service animal, PLUS "The type or kind of accommodation requested AND the the type of disability that the accommodation is requested to alleviate." (emphasis mine) YOU CAN'T ASK THAT QUESTION PER THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT! This documentation is to be sent to the DOJ, housing and Civil Enforcement Section.
Students will be leaving dogs, cats, ferrets, monkeys, and mini horses in dorm rooms while they attend classes. Imagine, if you will, the barking and yowling. Imagine the smell. Ever see pets kept by college students? I have. They were dirty, poorly fed, poorly kept, with poor veterinary care.
This will be a fascinating experiment.
* * *
Chillicothe Ohio
Ross County
Thirteen pit bulls were removed from on Rose Street. Police reported that conditions at the home were "deplorable" unfit for either human or canine habitation. Each room was charmingly decorated with canine feces and urine. How do people live like this? And why?
Per the Chillicothe Gazette "Officers arrived at North Rose Street on Friday to find two pit bulls fighting inside a small makeshift kennel in the back yard. According to Chillicothe police reports, the conditions of the kennel were “deplorable” and the two dogs were walking in piles of feces and urine, and did not have clean water or food. The dogs had each other by the throats in the six-square-foot space enclosed by chicken wire, police reported. The dogs were bleeding, and covered in feces and mud. The officer was able to distract the dogs enough that they released their grip on one another, and they were removed from the kennel by the Ross County Dog Warden. They were taken to a veterinarian for treatment, but did not survive.
Four pit bull puppies and six adult pit bulls were also removed from the property and signed over to the dog warden. A dead puppy was also found in the home.
The property owner will be charged with two counts of cruelty to animals. Why only two counts? Good question. The Ross County dog warden, Waneta Wellinghof, stated this is not the first time she has dealt with this particular owner. Lets hope it is the last time.
Wouldn't mandatory neuter and spay for pit bulls be better than this?
* * *
Cincinnati Ohio
Hamilton County
A pit bull attacked and mauled a leashed medical therapy dog being walked by its owner. The owner has Parkinson's Disease. The pit bull, owned by Jason Dotson, was not leashed at the time of the attack. The owner of the therapy dog was bitten while attempting to protect his dog, keep in mind that this is a patient with Parkinsons. Police charged Dotson with failing to confine his pit bull and ordered the pit bull to be euthanized. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail without work release. Dotson also got one year probation.
All good so far yes? Not so much. The history on this, after the order to euthanize his pit bull Dotson pranced on down to the SPCA and adopted a pit bull similar in appearance to his mauler. He then returned two days later to the same SPCA with the new mauler on a leash to turn him over for euthanization. Per Fox19news "Officials say he tried to pass the new dog off as the pit bull that attacked the therapy dog.

Jason Dotson booking photo.
You can't make this stuff up. The good news, the actual vicious pit bull has been euthanized.
This guy is so far outside the bounds of acceptable social behavior that I fail to see why we should have just one booking photo. It was difficult to make a choice, booking photo, handcuffed in court, interacting with law enforcement, being led out of court in handcuffs? Why choose? One photo will just not be enough. Here is another. Please note the handcuffs in this one.

Here is another courtroom shot. Why choose just one photo?
"American Fighter" ? * eye roll *

Here is another, what the hell.
Click here for video of Dotson being led out of court in handcuffs.
* * *
We will end this post with the most recent pit bull fatality, this is Payton Lyrik Sawyers, age 15 months, here with her mother. Payton was attacked and mauled by her babysitter's pit bulls. She died on January 8, 2016.

Montgomery County
Dayton police answered a call regarding a loose dog. A 49 year old man reported that he was leaving his home via the front door when he was attacked by a brown pit bull. The victim was taken to Grandview Hospital with a three inch laceration to his buttock. At roughly the same time a couple living nearby stated they heard a commotion in their yard and looked out to see the lifeless body of a stray cat they care for in the pit bull's mouth. Police located neighborhood resident Glennee Cole who stated that the pit bull, named Sosa, belongs to her boyfriend but she harbors the dog at her home. Per WHIO " Cole was issued a citation for dog running at large and failing to license a dog in a timely manner. She was also given a summons to appear in court for Sosa biting a person and failing to confine a dangerous dog.
Will Dog Warden Mark Kumpf follow through on a dangerous dog designation?
There is a moral to this story, never harbor someone else's pit bull. No good can come of it.
Montgomery County
A three year old boy was bitten in the face by a pit bull as he was visiting the home of a family friend. The child was taken to Dayton Children's Hospital for emergency treatment. The pit bull was removed from the residence by an investigator with the Montgomery County Animal Resource Center.
It was reported that the child had been walking through the house swinging a piece of a trash bag when the pit bull attacked the boy's face. The boy's grandfather, Michael Carrico, told a reporter "The dog just grabbed him by the face and shook him like it wanted to kill him. It was all I could do to get this dog off my grandson." Carrico said the dog ripped apart the child's face. "His top lip has been ripped off. Now we have to go and help my grandson heal.
Will Mark Kumpf designate this pit bull as dangerous?
For video please click here.
Additional news on the attack reveals that this is not the first pit bull attack in the little victim's family. Grandfather Michael Carrico reported that another son was attacked by a pit bull a few years ago and was treated at the very same hospital. This was a flashback for this family. Mr. Carrico reported that he had also been attacked by a pit bull. Dayton is pit bull hell and county dog warden Mark Kumpf is completely ineffective in his response to the threat to the safety of the public.

Trent after emergency surgery.
This is a very recent photograph of the victim after reconstructive surgery. This three year old will be forced to retain the tubes for six MONTHS.

Normal people are horrified by the injuries to this innocent child, and to the continuing pit bull problems of his family. How long will the Montgomery County commissioners put up this?
* * *
Warren Ohio
Trumbull County
An eight year old boy was bitten in the face, shoulder and neck by the family's American Bulldog. The victim was taken to Akron Children's Hospital.
A little background on American Bulldogs, American Bulldogs, formerly known as American Pit Bulldogs, are a breed featuring two types, the Johnson type and the Scott type. The breed began with an effort by a small group of rural southern men to recreate a type of dog commonly found in the rural south but out of favor at that time, the 1940s. Each man bred to his own standard and vision, with random dogs found during their travels, or traded with others in the group. These dogs began to be registered decades later.
An interview with John D. Johnson is found on the American Bulldog Association website. John Johnson (Johnson type)stated that the American Pit Bull Terrier is a derivative of the American Bulldog.
"Dr. J.: "Did you ever add American Pit Bull Terrier to increase gameness?" John D.: "No. The American Pit Bull Terrier got its gameness in the first place from the American Bulldog."
Not so much, the timing is off for this claim. Pit bulls had been bred, and fought, in the United States for a long time before creation of the American Pit Bulldog breed but they did come from the same foundation stock.
A bit more discussion on the breeds used as the basis for the American Bulldog.
"John D.: I helped Alan Scott get started back in the mid 60's. I gave him two fine female bulldogs and expected some money in return when he started selling puppies. I never did receive any, however. I do know that Alan Scott bought many dogs from around the area and into Alabama that to me were of questionable lineage. He did have one fine dog, Mack the Masher, which I did breed to. Many of the dogs he bought had cropped ears and looked like they had a lot of American Pit Bull Terrier in them. "
A bit more from the same interview
"Dr. J.: "Did you know Joe Painter?" John D.: "Yes, I knew Joe Painter and I knew that he did buy Allen Scott's dogs. Joe Painter was a dog fighter and raised and fought American Pit Bull Terriers. I know that he did have some trouble with the law but do not know the circumstances of this.
" Dr. J.: "Did Joe Painter ever cross his American Bulldogs with his American Pit Bull Terriers?" John D.: "Joe Painter told me that he never crossed them, however his neighbor said he did."
There is an interview with Alan Scott (Scott type) on the same website, interesting reading on bloodlines, rivalries, and old grudges, dog men talking about each other like dogs.
In the early days of the American Pit Bulldog, pedigree was a casual thing. Here is what Alan Scott had to say about it
" A.S. - "We started to register them after they were approved. We tried to trace back the genealogy as best as we could. And it seemed like it was along about 1973 before I registered any dogs. I think these are the oldest papers and they are the original ones I registered in 1973. But when we got back as far as we could get on a lot of these old dogs. Then the only thing I knew to do was to put like that dog's name down, and start with what we used to call a cold pedigree; a single register or a cold pedigree. So they were wanting (the NKC) a background. I called John D. and said 'Look we need to go ahead and get some of this paperwork sent in, that's the only way I know to do it.' And he said, 'Well come over here on Saturday'. So I did. When I got over there we went in and sat at his kitchen table and he said 'Here's what I've got for a pedigree on Tiny,' which was Dick the Bruiser, and he had a filled out pedigree. It had Johnson's this, this, this and this. He said here's some old.... They weren't real pedigrees but they were made out like real pedigrees. They didn't have English Bulldog pedigrees or American Bulldog pedigrees or anything like that. They were made up like genealogy pedigrees. This one sired this and all that. So he said 'what we can do is use the names of some old dogs that I had years ago in the 1940's. They're all dead and gone and in a few years it won't make any difference anyway.' " C.C. - "So John D. Johnson didn't make any distinction between an English Bulldog and an American Bulldog?" A.S. - "Apparently he didn't because I didn't know they (fabricated pedigrees) were English (Bulldogs) either until later years. I just thought they were some that he had wrote down. We didn't do it to hurt anybody. And we didn't do it to make money with them. God knows that we weren't getting but $125.00 a piece for puppies. The reason we did that was to get their registration started and as the generations went on, that would fade out. It didn't make any difference. When you get back to 7th and 8th and 9th generations, hell, it doesn't matter what's back there, no way. But that's where those names came from."
Scott liked his dogs game, sometimes they proved to be dead game. This did not change his practices.
"A.S. - "Every dog was tested just like he (JDJ) said in his interview. Every dog was tested as game as we could prove them up to dead game without killing one and occasionally we did kill one. A hog would kill him or a cow would stomp his guts out or something like that, or fall on him. I've had dogs cut down and lay there with the fight going on and be scratching to get to them. And I know other men have done the same thing. But I've had my dogs do that. But where John D. says that they were all tested, sure they were tested. But he wasn't able to do it, so I did it. I'd catch cows, hogs, it didn't matter. What we caught was what everybody else culled."
The American Bulldog history is a confusing one. I forwarded my remarks here to a knowledgeable friend and the response clarifies points I did not make clear. Thank you!
". bulldogs predate american pit bull terriers. They were the bull baiting dogs brought from England BUT at the time they were just called bulldogs, not american bulldogs. I have looked in news archives and old dog fancy magazines online. I can find no references to “american bulldog” in the early 20th century. (except for a pistol called “american bulldog”).
bulldogs were used to create american pit bull terriers. They were part
of the foundation stock - mixed with terriers and bull terriers (dogs that were
already bulldog/terrier mixes). When they became rare in the south and
Scott and Johnson wanted to revive them, they bred back to the pit bull
But I digress yet again.
* * *
Kent State University
Kent Ohio
Portage County
In the past Kent State University banned pets in the dorms, sensible policy. Students are at the college to get an education, their parents are paying a LOT of money for this education, distractions are not a good thing. This will be changing very soon. In the new world any animal can be given the title of "emotional support animal" and will be approved for dorm occupancy. Dogs, cats, ferrets, ponies, monkeys, all will be accepted. This policy change is part of a settlement in a civil rights lawsuit brought by the U.S. Justice Department claiming that the school discriminated against students with psychological disabilities.
Per the Washington Post " The university would pay $100,000 to two former students who were not allowed to keep a dog in their university-owned apartment, $30,000 to a fair-housing organization that advocated for the students, and $15,000 to the U.S., if the settlement is approved in district court."
Click here for a link to the story on the Washington Post and you can read the court's decision. Please note that on page 5 of that decision the court orders employees of the University to attend in-person training on the disability discrimination provisions of the Fair Housing Act.
On page 3 we find that while university employees MUST receive training on the provisions of the Fair Housing act BUT in Attachment A, page 2 we find that "An assistance animal does not necessarily need to be trained, and is not limited to any specific type of animal." Employees must be trained but animals kept in the dorms do not require training? What ??
On page 8 we find that the school has been ordered to keep records of the names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of those requesting accommodation for a service animal, PLUS "The type or kind of accommodation requested AND the the type of disability that the accommodation is requested to alleviate." (emphasis mine) YOU CAN'T ASK THAT QUESTION PER THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT! This documentation is to be sent to the DOJ, housing and Civil Enforcement Section.
Students will be leaving dogs, cats, ferrets, monkeys, and mini horses in dorm rooms while they attend classes. Imagine, if you will, the barking and yowling. Imagine the smell. Ever see pets kept by college students? I have. They were dirty, poorly fed, poorly kept, with poor veterinary care.
This will be a fascinating experiment.
* * *
Chillicothe Ohio
Ross County
Thirteen pit bulls were removed from on Rose Street. Police reported that conditions at the home were "deplorable" unfit for either human or canine habitation. Each room was charmingly decorated with canine feces and urine. How do people live like this? And why?
Per the Chillicothe Gazette "Officers arrived at North Rose Street on Friday to find two pit bulls fighting inside a small makeshift kennel in the back yard. According to Chillicothe police reports, the conditions of the kennel were “deplorable” and the two dogs were walking in piles of feces and urine, and did not have clean water or food. The dogs had each other by the throats in the six-square-foot space enclosed by chicken wire, police reported. The dogs were bleeding, and covered in feces and mud. The officer was able to distract the dogs enough that they released their grip on one another, and they were removed from the kennel by the Ross County Dog Warden. They were taken to a veterinarian for treatment, but did not survive.
Four pit bull puppies and six adult pit bulls were also removed from the property and signed over to the dog warden. A dead puppy was also found in the home.
The property owner will be charged with two counts of cruelty to animals. Why only two counts? Good question. The Ross County dog warden, Waneta Wellinghof, stated this is not the first time she has dealt with this particular owner. Lets hope it is the last time.
Wouldn't mandatory neuter and spay for pit bulls be better than this?
* * *
Cincinnati Ohio
Hamilton County
A pit bull attacked and mauled a leashed medical therapy dog being walked by its owner. The owner has Parkinson's Disease. The pit bull, owned by Jason Dotson, was not leashed at the time of the attack. The owner of the therapy dog was bitten while attempting to protect his dog, keep in mind that this is a patient with Parkinsons. Police charged Dotson with failing to confine his pit bull and ordered the pit bull to be euthanized. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail without work release. Dotson also got one year probation.
All good so far yes? Not so much. The history on this, after the order to euthanize his pit bull Dotson pranced on down to the SPCA and adopted a pit bull similar in appearance to his mauler. He then returned two days later to the same SPCA with the new mauler on a leash to turn him over for euthanization. Per Fox19news "Officials say he tried to pass the new dog off as the pit bull that attacked the therapy dog.
An SPCA worker spotted the red flag and took action before it was too late. The microchip was scanned and revealed the dog's true identity.
Dotson was arrested for allegedly violating the terms of his probation. He appeared in a Hamilton County Courtroom Tuesday.
The Oct. 14 incident was Dotson’s second citation for failing to confine his animal, documents state."Jason Dotson booking photo.
You can't make this stuff up. The good news, the actual vicious pit bull has been euthanized.
This guy is so far outside the bounds of acceptable social behavior that I fail to see why we should have just one booking photo. It was difficult to make a choice, booking photo, handcuffed in court, interacting with law enforcement, being led out of court in handcuffs? Why choose? One photo will just not be enough. Here is another. Please note the handcuffs in this one.
Here is another courtroom shot. Why choose just one photo?
"American Fighter" ? * eye roll *
Here is another, what the hell.
Click here for video of Dotson being led out of court in handcuffs.
* * *
We will end this post with the most recent pit bull fatality, this is Payton Lyrik Sawyers, age 15 months, here with her mother. Payton was attacked and mauled by her babysitter's pit bulls. She died on January 8, 2016.