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Toledo Ohio
Lucas County
The pro pit bull stance of the Toledo Blade has reached the point of dangerous, interstate insanity. The Blade is questioning the policies in placement of foster children and in the certification of homes prior to the adoption of children in MASSACHUSETTS. In that state the Department of Children and Family Services has a policy of not placing children younger than 12 years old in homes where pit bulls, Rottweilers, or German Shepherds are harbored. The Blade reporters made pains in the behind of themselves with requests for information about policy that the Massachusetts Department of Children and Family services finally just shut down and said "We do not have any further information to provide for this story."
One always knows where the Blade is going with this. Pushing for pit bulls without regard for public safety. The quote below is from an article titled "Dog breed no longer relevant for placing kids. Ruled changed for fostering, adopting."
"Issues with animals in Lucas County foster and adoptive homes have been “very few and far between,” Ms. Malkin said. If the department believes it must address a situation with a dog, it is usually quickly resolved without escalating.
“Of the thousands of homes that have been licensed over the years, nobody has called anything specific to my attention,” she said. “Generally, when we bring it up, the owner addresses it by removing the animal.”
The vast majority of families seeking to adopt are first approved as a foster family, Ms. Malkin said. Dog owners must prove the dog is properly licensed and up to date on vaccinations. Case workers inspecting the home then use their judgment as to the dog’s behavior and how the owner manages the canine.
“There is nothing in the rules that says we can’t license somebody who has a dog characterized as nuisance, dangerous, or vicious. However, it’s a judgment call,” Ms. Malkin said. “We would have to assess whether that person would get any placements because we deal with kids who have been traumatized already. We don’t want to put them in an environment where there’s anything they’d have to be afraid of.”
The vast majority of intelligent and thoughtful adults would certainly hope that an agency run by our government would protect children by REFUSING TO PLACE VULNERABLE YOUNG CHILDREN IN HOMES HARBORING DANGEROUS OR VICIOUS DOGS. So far this year 31 Americans have been killed by dogs, 25 of those deaths were due to pit bull attacks. Eleven of those who lost their lives in pit bull attacks were children. The Toledo Blade is harassing the Department of Children and Family Services in Massachusetts to change a proactive policy designed to save the lives of children by preventing the placement of these vulnerable babies in homes with pit bulls? What is wrong with the editorial board of the Toledo Blade?
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Mansfield Ohio
Richland County
Mansfield police responded to a call reporting an aggressive pit bull at large. The black pit bull is described as having a white chest, it charged and attempted to bite a woman. Officers were able to locate the pit bull but were unable to capture it. The Mansfield News Journal reported "The pit bull displayed aggressive tendencies toward officers."
The pit bull is still at large, police and the Richland County Dog warden's staff are searching for it. Anyone seeing this pit bull is encouraged to call the police department at 419 522-1234.
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Bainbridge Ohio
Geauga County
This is interesting. Only pit bulls are likely to figure into reverse theft. A Bainbridge resident received a call from a woman asking her to take three pit bulls. The resident wisely refused to accept this "hard to turn down" offer. Three weeks after the phone call the resident saw a woman abandon the three pit bulls in her yard and disappear.
The pit bulls ran off. If you live in Bainbridge Ohio and see three pit bulls at large, please call the police.
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Toledo Ohio
Lucas County
Wouldn't mandatory neuter and spay be better than this? The Toledo Blade covers the recovery of Frank/Victor, a stray pit bull dropped off in an alley, complete with crate. Frank/Victor weighed 29 pounds when picked up on October 4th and now weighs 60 pounds in the care of the Lucas County Pit Crew. Frank/Victor also required treatment for worms and skin infections but he is now ready for placement. This is the Toledo Blade so a statement from Jean Keating is required. Ms. Keating speaks of that Frank/Victor “He’s a little nervous around new people yet. We’re just starting to kind of bring him out and expose him to new things.”
Coming to a neighborhood near you.
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St Henry Ohio
Mercer County Ohio
A two year old child was mauled by the family pit bull. Police shot the pit bull because it charged a police officer responding to the 911 call made by the child's mother. Both the child and the mother were taken to a local hospital with severe injuries.
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Lorain Ohio
Lorain County
Lorain police have released dash cam video of a dog attack that occurred in October. Three women were attacked by the same two pit bulls. Spoiler alert, police shoot the dogs.
"The initial call was a woman who was walking home on West 29th Street and was attacked by two dogs," said Officer Rick Broz with the Lorain Police Department.
Officer Broz was among several officers who responded after three women were injured in a series of dog attacks in that area.
"We formed a circle around them with our cars. One of the officers yelled at them and they actually tried to bite his car, the door of his car, that's how aggressive these two dogs were," said Broz.
Cruiser dash cam video captured the moment the two dogs attack a third woman who jumped onto another police car to escape them.
"Another officer jumped out of his car, ran away, yelled at them to look at him. They charged him so he fired off two shots," said Broz.
One dog was killed. The other ran away.
Here is a bit of explanation of how police could respond so quickly."Lorain police Officer Richard Broz wrote in his report that he was called to the 300 block of West 26th Street about 10:30 a.m. after police dispatchers received a call from a woman who had been attacked by two pit bulls.
Police reports indicate a stunning number of bite incidents that appear to track back to Kirkwood's pit bulls. You can't keep this straight without a program so I'm just going to quote the Morning Journal's report here.
" Last month, the Lorain County dog warden notified police about a dog bite which occurred Sept. 15 in the 2600 block of Reid Avenue. The victim said she was unloading groceries out of her car when she was attacked by a pit bull, a police report stated.
According to the report, police also received an anonymous call about a woman being attacked at Kirkwood’s address around the same time as the woman who was bit unloading groceries, but they were unable to locate her.
The report stated the victim of the attack is related to Kirkwood, but the woman denied having being attacked near his house.
On Sept. 7, police responded to Kirkwood’s address after receiving reports that two people had been bit.
The male victim told authorities he was at his sister’s residence – who according to the report has the same address as Kirkwood – for a family cookout when he and his 14-year-old daughter were attacked by two pit bull dogs.
Broz wrote in his report that despite the coincidences surrounding the attacks, the victims denied that the animals that bit them resided at the house where the attack took place. The victims told police the dogs that attacked them were “just two random loose dogs.”
Police said the male victim had puncture wounds to his shoulder and a severe bite wound to the inside of his left leg. The juvenile also received a bite wound to her leg, police said.
On Aug. 31, a resident in the 200 block of West 28th Street, told police a pit bull attacked his Doberman Pinscher as he was taking it for a walk. The report stated the Doberman’s owner also was bit in the stomach during the incident.
Authorities said Kirkwood told them his dog was chained up in his yard, but broke free and ran off.
On Aug. 20, a female was cited at Kirkwood’s residence after a man who was walking his bulldog in the 200 block of West 29th Street was approached by an animal matching the description of one of Kirkwood’s pit bulls.
Police said the woman told them she did not live at Kirkwood’s address, but she admitted to being the only adult at the residence at the time of the incident.
Broz wrote in the latest report that in lieu of the events surrounding Kirkwood’s animals, he recommends to the courts they issue a ban to bar Kirkwood from owning further animals due to his “constant reckless endangerment of the public by irresponsible ownership of dogs.”
Kirkwood could not be reached for comment." Pit bull owner Michael Kirkwood is facing charges.

Lorain police have a special unit created to address vicious dog attacks. It sounds as if the unit has a full time job just with Kirkwood. Lorain police officer Richard Broz has his hands full.
For dash cam video please click here.
You can't make this stuff up.
Mr. Kirkwood
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Dayton Ohio
Montgomery County

Dayton police were forced to shoot a pit bull during a drug raid. Anonymous tips were received on a Miami Valley Crimestoppers hotline regarding heroin being sold out of a residence on Cass Street. The pit bull was shot as it charged police.

Jewel Carter, presumably the pit bull owner, was charged with trafficking and heroin. Please note that there were no Pugs, or Goldens, or Beagles reported at the drug house, only the pit bull. Draw whatever conclusions you will.
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Lima Ohio
Allen County
Lima City Council is reviewing vicious dog laws after an attack on an off duty police officer in the city on October 20th. Per Limaohionews.com " Officer Link was walking to his car the morning of Oct. 20 in the 900 block of North Elizabeth Street when he was attacked by two pit bulls. Link suffered bites to his head as he tried to fight off the dogs for a couple of minutes. The dogs then started charging at others in the neighborhood.
Several councilors expressed concern, including Councilman Sam McLean pointing out the site was “near two schools” and Councilman Jesse Lowe II saying “dogs are not labeled as vicious until after the fact.”
"One of the pit bulls that attacked Link had reportedly cornered an elderly neighbor the day before in her yard. Police officers arrived and shot the dogs to prevent further attacks.
Link was taken to St. Rita’s Medical Center, where he was treated, then released.
The dogs were owned by Patience Jackson, of 999 N. Elizabeth St. She was cited for the dogs not having licenses, running at large, and another city ordinance.
The dogs were not immediately killed by the police gunfire. They were taken back to the Allen County dog warden’s office where they were later killed. The warden is required to inspect and test dogs for rabies that have been reported for attacking or biting another person."
Allen County Commissioners honored mail carrier Scott Eversole with a resolution of appreciation for his quick actions stepping in to assist officer Link. Per LimaOhio.com "Scott Eversole was delivering mail in the 900 block of North Elizabeth Street on Oct. 19 when he noticed two pit bulls playing in a yard. He was originally going to leave and complete delivering mail on that part of his route later when he noticed out of the corner of his eye a man leaving his house and going to his car. The man, Lima Police Patrolman Mark Link, was then attacked by the two dogs, who knocked him to the ground and began biting his face.
“I saw that they hit him and were going after him as hard as they could, and he was struggling to get back on his feet,” Eversole said. “It was then I went over with my bag, the best weapon I had, and I took it off my shoulder and began to swing it as hard as I could and knocked them off him enough for him to be able to jump on the car.”
Allen County commissioners present a resolution of appreciation to mail carrier Scott Eversole. Dog warden Julie Shellhammer thanks him for saving the life of a police officer. The appreciation is well deserved, mail carriers are too often the victims of pit bull attacks and Mr. Eversole was well aware of the risks but took action anyway. Well done!
Lima pit bull advocates protest Lima's proactive law. Clueless.
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Montgomery County
A Dayton woman was attacked by a pit bull as she was speaking with the pit bull owner outside a local store. Pit bull owner Adlai Hunter was cited for not having his pit bull licensed.
Per WHIO " The woman told police Geno attacked her as she spoke with Hunter, someone she knows because they live near each other. She told police she was trying to keep her distance from Geno as she spoke with Hunter when, for no apparent reason, Geno lashed our and chomped down on her leg. She immediately fell to the ground and kicked at the dog as Hunter tried to get man's best friend off her. She was taken to Miami Valley Hospital. Officers dispatched to the incident quickly learned that a concerned citizen had followed Hunter and Geno to Ernst and Eastview Avenues, a few blocks from the scene ( maul and haul attack, but I digress). Geno was on a leash, but had blood in his mouth, possibly from the bite," police officer Zachary O'Diam wrote in the report. The officer said Geno growled at him "several times" during the conversation with Hunter who "would have to yell at the dog to get him to calm down." O'Diam said in the report that he recognized Hunter from a previous dog bite case earlier this year."
You can't make this stuff up.
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Fairborn Ohio
Green County
Fairborn police shot and killed two pit bull mixes that witnesses stated attacked a dog and bit three people. Two of those who were bitten were the owners of the dog that was attacked.
Per WHIO "Police were dispatched about 9:12 a.m. on a report of a vicious dog attack in the 1900 block of Rockdell Drive. Two people there said they had been attacked by the pit bull mixes while trying to rescue their dog from the attacking female dogs. A third resident, in the 1900 block of Rockdell Drive also reported being bitten. Green County Animal Control responded and worked with police officers in tracking the roaming dogs. Police alerted a local school to keep their students inside during the search. The search ended in both dogs being shot."
OK, we have three people bitten, a peaceful dog attacked, police called in, animal control called in, AND a school on lock down. Has anyone ever seen a similar report that involved Pugs, or Beagles?
What was the final cost to Fairborn taxpayers for the responders here?
A person commenting on this story had this to say "These dogs have been reported many times. They have attacked other dogs and people in the recent past. Something should have been done about them long ago." This pair of maulers will not return to the neighborhood but expect the owners to go right out and get two more just like them. It's a pattern.
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Montgomery County
This is an old news item, lost in the shuffle for quite some time now. A Dayton police officer was bitten by a pit bull as he was investigating a roll over accident involving a newly purchased SUV, a 1999 Chevy Blazer. The Blazer was driven by 19 year old Joshua Nguyen, he had two friends in the car with him. One of these passengers brought his pit bull along for the ride.
Per WHIO " The crash happened when Nguyen wanted to "play with' the SUV he just bought, went off-roading in the field on the site of the former Belmont High School. Nguyen flipped the SUV after hitting a concrete curb around the track. A representative of Dayton Public Schools, which owns the property, told police the district wanted all three to be charged with criminal trespassing.
A Dayton police officer was checking to see if the occupants of the Blazer were injured when the pit bull began behaving in an aggressive manner. The police officer attempted to back away from the aggressive dog but fell, he was bitten on his right arm. The pit bull owner, Jeffrey Cleveland, made no attempt to stop his dog but eventually snapped a leash on it and went on to tell the officer that he "did not think the dog would do that.". When Cleveland was informed that he would be placed under arrest because his mauler bit a police officer, he BLAMED THE POLICE OFFICER! What else would you expect? Cleveland's explanation "The dog wouldn't have done that if the officer didn't attack my dog."
Mr. Cleveland's booking photo.
Damages to a 1999 Chevy Blazer, even if totaled, would be expected to be in the neighborhood of what? Twenty five dollars?
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Mansfield Ohio
Richland County
Another lost attack surfaces. A Richland County deputy Stacy Wendling-Dittrich, was attacked by a pit bull, in a community with a pit bull ban.
Per the Mansfield News-Journal "According to a report on file at the sheriff's office, Dittrich was at the residence in reference to followup on a case. Upon arrival she parked in the driveway and knocked at the front door. After receiving no answer she heard sounds from the rear of the house. She assumed they might be out back and began to walk around the house toward the rear of the residence when the dog attacked.
The dog came around from the rear where the family was having coffee, according to the sheriff's report. The dog bit Dittrich without notice in her left hand and pinky finger, according to the report. The home owner pulled the dog back as Dittrich retreated to a safe location and called for help. Dittrich then applied pressure to the wound until paramedics arrived. The homeowner was visibly upset over the incident and offered to aid or call for help as Dittrich awaited the squad. Dittrich had already done so. The dog warden cited the homeowner for multiple charges. At this time, the dog in question is a pit pull breed, according to the report.
Deputies, Mansfield Police, and Mansfield firefighters responded to the scene. Dittrich was expected to require surgery. How much did this response cost Mansfield taxpayers? Richland County Assistant Dog Warden Ray Scott stated he has never seen as many dog bites as he has seen this year. ""I've never seen so much of this in almost 12 years (on the job),"Click here for video of a statement from Mr. Scott. He is well versed on local law and rather charming to boot.
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Montgomery County
Two Beagles, and their owner were attacked by a pit bull.
Picture it. Here is the story from WHIO.
Police spoke with Daniel Hollis, 45, who was atacked by the pit bull afterDayton police were called to 221 Maryland Ave. at about 6:15 p.m. Monday. Callers advised a large dog was attacking a smaller dog in the middle of the street with several people trying to break up the animals.
Police spoke with Daniel Hollis, 45, who was attacked by the pitbull after retrieving his own dogs from being attacked.
Hollis told police he was walking from his front door at 221 Maryland Ave. to his car parked on the street. He was putting his two small brown beagles inside the car when he reportedly observed a large pitbull jump the front yard fence next door at 225 Maryland Ave., according to the police report.
The pitbull proceeded to attack one of the beagles as it was leaning out the car window. The larger dog pulled the beagle out of the car.
Hollis said he was able to take that beagle inside his home, but then the pitbull went after the second beagle. The second beagle was bitten around the neck.
Hollis said he was wrestling with the large dog to get it off his beagle. The pitbull then knocked Hollis to the ground and bit him in the arm and again on the face near his eyebrow, according to the police report.
Neighbors attempted to help Hollis by hitting the larger dog with a baseball bat. That had no effect but the pitbull then ran home.
The responding officers observed the lacerations and scrapes on Hollis; as well as lacerations on both his beagles.
Hollis said the pitbull belongs to his father-in-law Janrose Jones, 66, whom lives next door at 225 Maryland Ave. Hollis told police the dog has attacked three other people in the neighborhood.
Pit bull owner Jones stated that the pit bull is nine months old. He was cited for failure to control and for the bite.
Imagine Thanksgiving dinner family conversation at the Hollis/Jones dinner table.
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This is Daxton Borchardt.

Dax was killed by his babysitter's two pit bulls. Please read the thoughts of Jeff Borchardt, Dax's father. If you are not moved you have no soul.
There are other victims here beside Dax and his parents. Below is a photograph of the babysitter, Susan Iwiki, her life is forever changed and tainted because she believed "it's all in how you raise 'em." A VERY dangerous lie. I am truly sorry for all involved here. Truly sorry.